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ANIMAL MAN #16 - Rotworld - This really needs to end with a bang for me to continue past Rotworld
SWAMP THING #16 - Rotworld - I'm only picking this up because of rotworld.
WONDER WOMAN TP VOL 01 BLOOD (N52) - Just a brilliant book that deserves a place on my bookshelf.
AGE OF APOCALYPSE #11 - Still a lot of fun, and it looks like Quentin Quire is going to be playing a big role.
AVENGERS ARENA #3 NOW - Fun enough to keep me on board. Not the best thing, but I enjoy the new characters and the concept.
SECRET AVENGERS #36 - Remender and Robots.
SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #1 NOW - I'll read it to read it, but I don't expect anything out of it.
THOR GOD OF THUNDER #4 NOW - Jason Aaron has this ability to really grab me on certain books.
X-MEN LEGACY #4 NOW - Legacy has always been an interesting character, his spotlight is fun.
I thought it would be fun to guess from which comics these came. All of them came out this week. Most of them were ones I listed that I was going to buy in my first post. I imagine several are pretty obvious.
I'll list the comics they came from later on tonight or maybe tomorrow morning., if we can just get Professor Pyg confirmed.
Just putting this out there: Superior Spider-man is a really fun read. I am curious as to where Slott takes this idea and I am definitely on-board.
So far FF and Fantastic Four are still solid to me. I am liking Fraction's run so far. Unless he messes up or avoids the cosmic ties (I doubt it with Medusa on the team) I am in this for the long haul.