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Batwoman #16
Before Watchmen: Minutemen #6
Blue Beetle #16
DCU Presents #16
Hellblazer #299
Justice League #16
Saucer Country #11
Sword of Sorcery #4
Wonder Woman #16
Avengers #3
Deadpool #4
Deadpool Killustrated #1
FF #3
Uncanny Avengers #3
Wolverine and the X-Men #24
Young Avengers #1
Other Fine Publishers
Dark Horse Presents #20
Mind MGMT #7
Prophet #33
Stumptown V2 #5
The Lone Ranger #12
The Spider #8
Ouch. Enormous week., if we can just get Professor Pyg confirmed.
Green Lantern #16 - Green Lantern Corps #16 Green Lantern: New Guardians #16
This is my last issue of these 3 Green Lantern series that I will be buying. I just wanted to finish off Rise of the 3rd Army. Wonder Woman #16
Avengers #3
Deadpool #4
Deadpool Killustrated #1
FF #3
Uncanny Avengers #3
Wolverine and the X-Men #24
Justice League #16
Dark Horse Presents #20
Mind MGMT #7
Whistling Skull #2
Winter Soldier (Say it ain't so Brubaker, let's just enjoy these last few Bru issues.)
A+X #4
Judge Dredd #3
Uncanny X-Force #1 (Gotta give it a try... or something.)
Red Hood #16
Nightwing #16
Mars Attacks Transformers
Bedlam #3
can some of you guys tell me how most of the new marvel now comics are? if they're good or bad? (in your opinion)
some of the ones I want to get are:
Iron Man
Fant. Four
All New X-Men
Uncanny X-Men
Uncanny Avengers
Not too interested in Capt. America but is it any good at all?
Captain America reads like Flash Gordon. It's Cap doing what he thinks is right even in another dimension. If it's anything like Remenders other work, he'll put Cap into increasingly terrible situations until the resolution of the arc in which he punches the hell out of everything and shows that, even in Dimension Z, these colors don't run! *flag unfurls*... But yeah, it's pretty neato.
Thor is amazing. Aaron has a great hold on the character and it tells three different timelines at once.
FF and F4 are sort of sister books. If you get one, get both. I like them, but they aren't at the top of my "To Read" pile just yet.