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I created this thread to have a question answered regarding Jeff Parker's run on Thunderbolts that was cut short due to unnecessary crossovers and relaunches.
The 'Underbolts were thrown through time and were desperately attempting to return to the present, however; the powers that be relaunched the book as "Dark Avengers" with a new cast and lost their phenomenal illustrator (Kev Walker). I immediately dropped the book as it wasn't the story or the characters I picked up the book for. I guess what I'm getting at is: "What happened to the Thunderbolts from that story line?"
Boomerang has shown up in "Inferior Not-So-Spider-Man" with no mention of his past endeavors with the T-bolts and the others are in limbo as of Marvel Now's current titles. I realize this run was a few months ago but, I just thought about it and was hoping someone could provide me with some closure to a run that started off very strong but was hindered by company crossovers and publication events.
I created this thread to have a question answered regarding Jeff Parker's run on Thunderbolts that was cut short due to unnecessary crossovers and relaunches.
The 'Underbolts were thrown through time and were desperately attempting to return to the present, however; the powers that be relaunched the book as "Dark Avengers" with a new cast and lost their phenomenal illustrator (Kev Walker). I immediately dropped the book as it wasn't the story or the characters I picked up the book for. I guess what I'm getting at is: "What happened to the Thunderbolts from that story line?"
Boomerang has shown up in "Inferior Not-So-Spider-Man" with no mention of his past endeavors with the T-bolts and the others are in limbo as of Marvel Now's current titles. I realize this run was a few months ago but, I just thought about it and was hoping someone could provide me with some closure to a run that started off very strong but was hindered by company crossovers and publication events.
The Time-Bolts lost Fixer along the way, and then the remaining members (Moonstone, Ghost, Troll, Centurius, Hyde, Satanna, Boomerang, Man-Thing) end up in the distant future. They manage to return to the present in time to help Songbird, MACH V, Luke Cage, Juggernaut and Skaar fight off the Dark Avengers, FACT, and Sultan Magus (or whatever the villain's name is). Troll is reunited with Songbird, Man-Thing sends most of the Timebolts wherever they desire, and Moonstone, Walker, Skaar, June, Trickshot, Aipec, and Ragnarok all get teleported by Man-Thing into another dimension.
It was a great conclusion to the time travel arc, even if the time travel went on too long.
Dark Avengers is actually really good so far. They're in what appears to be a different universe, but has been implied to be the regular 616 NYC trapped in some sort of reality altered bubble. John Walker has had new organic limbs attached thanks to June (she attached a brain-dead symbiote to him and it repaired his injuries). Aipec has been shrunk down using Pym Particles, which is hilarious. Ragnarok is implied to be on a path to try and be like the real Thor, both physically and mentally.
This title actually feels like the good old days of Thunderbolts again. Moonstone. Trickshot (acting more like 90's Hawkeye than Clint does these days). US Agent as the one strong heroic presence. A couple of characters looking to be heroes (Skaar, Ragnarok). Some less likely for redemption (June, Aipec). Sadly, the sales on this title are falling fast. I don't have much hope, but I'll be here until the end.
Alright, thank you Owlman. I may have to pick up the trades then. I thought U.S. Agent was interesting as a maimed, bad-### warden, so it's saddens me to hear that he has his limbs back. (That sounds horrible lol) I'll miss the connection between Ghost, Moonstone and Juggernaut the most. Ghost and Juggernaut were honestly on the path to being true heroes due to the T-Bolts. Ghost will probably revert back to a generic Ironman villian, just in time for the movie no doubt...
Last edited by ANANSI; 02/05/2013 at 12:07..
Reason: Realized how messed up in the head I truly am...
Ghost will probably revert back to a generic Ironman villian, just in time for the movie no doubt...
I doubt it. Ghost was never a popular character when he was a villain. Frankly if Parker stays on Dark Avengers for a while, I would expect Ghost to come in again. I can't imagine he would just abandon someone he worked so hard to develop. Troll will probably be around too. My guess is that this first story arc is to give you time to get to know the new team. If you look at the whole run, there's a lot of that kind of bonding adventure where new guys get seperated from the old favorites in order to develop.
Juggernaut on the otherhand will probably get back his powers and completely forget about Thunderbolts, due to some terrible X-men writer. He's always been stuck in a tug of war between good and bad writers.
And yeah, I love Superior Spidey so far, but it really bugged me that Boomerang didn't even get one passing line like, "It's good to be back." Not only that, but there was a new Beetle who's totally unexplained (I remember there was a thing about some kids taking Abe's old suits waaaay back in the day) AND Speed Demon AND Shocker. That's 4 out of 6 villains who have something to do with Thunderbolts and not one line of fanservice
Maybe Boomerang going back to prison will land him back in the Thunderbolts program though.
Also, any longtime fans who are still reading: Is it just me, or is June Covington totally the new Fixer? Instead of cloning bodies and changing people's skin colors, she's shrinking them with Pym Particles and grafting braindead symbiotes to their bodies.
This title needs to survive, and it needs to go back to "Thunderbolts" for issue 200.