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Online Video Chat HeroClix Tournament (I need your thoughts!)
In some other threads, in groups, and among friends, I have brought up the idea of hosting a video chat tournament via Google+ Hangout and/or Skype.
So far the reception has been great!
I wanted to present to you what details I currently have, and then I'd like to know what things should be changed or altered, and most importantly, if you'd be interested in signing up!
Players may currently register for one or both of the following tournaments;
Modern Meta Championship! (32 players MAX)
Modern Age, 300pts.
Theme Team Championship! (32 players MAX)
Modern Age, 600pts. Team must be a non-generic theme team.
Game pieces with a 2x2 base or larger will NOT be allowed.
Registration begins on Friday, May 10th, at 21:00 CST.
Registration ends on Thursday May 30th, at 23:59 CST.
Registration will be completed on HC Realms. (thread to be posted soon)
Registration is FREE!
Details I need from you when you register:
1) Your Google+ or Skype name. (Note: Google+ will be REQUIRED for all semi-finalists and finalists)
2) A list of maps you will have access to for the entirety of the tournament. (you must list at least FIVE maps)
3) Which tournament (or both) you'd like to register for.
4) Any prizes you'd be willing to donate!
As of now, all prizes will be stuff that I am offering/donating from my personal collection.
Donation of prizes is not required for registration though it is appreciated!
Prizes will be officially announced around May 29th - May 30th and listed on the "official" registration thread.
I would like to have enough prizes for all semi-finalists, though it depends on how much can be offered up. More info to come!
All winners will be required to pay for shipping to receive their prize. This isn't done as a way to make money nor as an inconvenience, I'm just not very wealthy lol. Amounts will be near exact, and are to be paid via Pay-pal before prize is shipped. Players that win, that do not wish to pay for shipping on prizes, may refuse to do so. Any prize not awarded in this way will be return-shipped to the person who donated it.
Tournament Scheduling
Both tournaments will last 5 rounds, with each round lasting 1 week. Rounds will begin on Fridays at 21:00 CST, and will end the following Thursdays at 23:59 CST. The first round of each tournament will begin on Friday, May 31st, at 21:00 CST. Pairing of players for each round will be released on Fridays before 21:00 CST.
Scheduling & Playing Games
All games will last 1 hour.
It will be both paired players' responsibilities to schedule their game for the round during the week the round takes place in. Once a day and time is agreed to, both players must forward their scheduled time to me before the round takes place.
If neither player reports scheduled time of match, or both players fail to play match, or fail to report match results, winner will be decided by roll off.
If one player fails to play at scheduled time, the opposing player will be awarded the Win and all victory points.
Reporting Game Results
It is important that BOTH players report the results of the game.
Please be exact in the following information:
Your team build + points.
Opposing team build + points.
Points scored by both teams.
Which map used.
What time the game began, and ended.
Which player won.
Rules, Restrictions, and Guidelines
Both tournaments will utilize the 2013 PAC and Rulebook.
"Modern Meta Championship!" will only utilize the following sets:
2011 Superman, and after, up to sets released by May 29th 2013.
"Theme Team Championship!" will only utilize the following sets:
Brightest Day Starter Pack, up to 2013 Teen Titans.
It is necessary that all players use voice chat when communicating decisions or actions being taken during a game. Type chat will not be sufficient!
When players roll dice for any game effect, your web camera must be pointed at the roll to ensure fair play. If all rolled dice can not be viewed after roll is complete, the dice must be re-rolled.
Rules questions should be asked on HC Realms rules forum, or sent via Private Message to myself or an appointed Judge for the tournament.
All semi-finalists and finalists are required to play their games on Google+ Hangout. Judges will sit in on semi-finalist and finalist games to ensure quick rule resolutions. Judges will not interrupt the game, and will only make rulings upon a rules escalation. Spectators may watch Semi-finalist and Finalist games if space in chat room permits. (I believe room size is 10 on chat)
All players must remain polite and courteous at all times during games.
Players will be responsible for synchronizing start time to determine when the 1 hour time limit is finished.
Players may only pick a map for play that both players own. (See player registration thread for each player's list)
It is not required to own pieces your opponent is using, though it will help. All players will be responsible for keeping track of opposing player pieces on their own map at home during the game.
When a player moves a figure or game piece, the player should be able to articulate exactly what is occurring in a way that is understandable by the other player. Example: Darkseid is using teleport to move from square A1 to D9.... or.... Wolverine will use charge, he will move vertically 2 squares in the direction of your starting area, then diagonally 1 square to become adjacent to Magneto.
So that's what I've got so far! If you'd be interested let me know below! If enough interest is shown in the next week, I will post a revised form of the above in a new registration thread. I hope this kicks off!
Everything looks good regarding the formats. I'm definitely looking forward to it. Perhaps making the days of registering a bit shorter (that way it doesn't lose interest too quickly), maybe 14 (2 weeks) as compared to 20 days.
I'd consider doing this, hopefully I'll have the time to do it! Great idea!
Thanks man!
Quote : Originally Posted by coolguy111606
Everything looks good regarding the formats. I'm definitely looking forward to it. Perhaps making the days of registering a bit shorter (that way it doesn't lose interest too quickly), maybe 14 (2 weeks) as compared to 20 days.
The primary purpose of extending the actual 'start date' of this hypothetical tournament is for the purpose of having an accurate retirement list for the Modern Meta Championship.
Again though, just spit-balling ideas, keep em coming!