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This will be big and I have many players who want Borg things and I have a few people who might join just for the Borg story. I thought this might be a good place to kick around ideas of what the story is and possible prizes. Have a coupe thoughts to kick around and I want to hear your thoughts and ideas.
1) LE Ships; First off there are quite a few Assimilated ones in Tactics 3 and I figure we should get one or two. And this might be where we Get our Akira or Saber class ships. They are made to fight the Borg and they are seen fighting the Borg so this would be the right place.
2) Participation things. I have only a couple idea and here they are A) Q card, since Q brought them to meet the Borg and then move him away they might make a card that you discard that could move you across the play area to where you would like. A one use escape rope kind of thing. B) More fighters but either Klingons or Romulan. C) Maybe some kind of Special Shield upgrade or even weapon. It might make a weapon "penetrating" or temporarily Impervious for a round or two.
3) My idea of the Event will start at the edge of the Fed space/Delta Quad and then move in. It will go through Romulan and Klingon space in Month 2 and 3. Fight it's way across the Fed (Wolf 359) and then Month 6 Battle of Sector 001.
Prize would be some kind of elite "super" Borg cube
Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?
Magic is not for Parlor Tricks~
Sparrow, Moros Second Degree Master
2) Participation things. I have only a couple idea and here they are A) Q card, since Q brought them to meet the Borg and then move him away they might make a card that you discard that could move you across the play area to where you would like. A one use escape rope kind of thing. B) More fighters but either Klingons or Romulan. C) Maybe some kind of Special Shield upgrade or even weapon. It might make a weapon "penetrating" or temporarily Impervious for a round or two.
I was actually having a conversation about getting a Q or Locutus Captain card sometime in the future. I have a feeling these will be GenCon exclusives. Q would have the potential to be highly effective/broken so I don't see him being given a card that would be, for the most part, available to everyone.
When I heard about the Borg event, I assumed the assimilated ships would be the prizes.
They have 4 assimilated ships in Tactics 3. They will likely follow the same format and give a unique ship in months 1 and 6 and give the assimilated ships for months 2-5. The assimilated ships might even have dual factions of Borg and their original ship with a mix of cards from both factions.
I've liked the resources so far, but I'd like them to get away from them being the standard participation prize before they get ridiculous and overpowered. I'd much rather see more things like the Red shirts crew card. Maybe a "Rescued Borg" bridge crew that can be any faction, stuff like that.
Would rather not see a Q. Shenanigans like that are what drove me away from Heroclix.
I've liked the resources so far, but I'd like them to get away from them being the standard participation prize before they get ridiculous and overpowered. I'd much rather see more things like the Red shirts crew card. Maybe a "Rescued Borg" bridge crew that can be any faction, stuff like that.
Would rather not see a Q. Shenanigans like that are what drove me away from Heroclix.
I think Q as a resource or crew or something could work great. I think he should have a chance element where a dice roll determines if he hurts you, helps you, or does nothing. After all, Q only does what Q wants.
I agree that the Assimilated ships seem very likely for LE consideration.
For Participation options (and not knowing what comes in the Arena kit, yet) I would think it's likely that we get another set of colored bases and they both seem to be well received and are faction focused and there are more factions coming (I would think the Borg, Vulcans, and Mirror universe would be 3 that would be likely.....even if there won't be alot of them at the time.)........not sure if we'll see more attack swarms but I'd be in favor of them.
I think Q would be better served as a scenario element.
It is almost upon us! Are you prepared for the Quarmageddon?
The only reason I thought Q would work as a card is because he would be a remove from game kind of thing or even once you use him your opponent can use him once too. I think as a wild card thing but not for direct damage but an indirect item. Q might help but he would never fight for one side.
Side though maybe for one round he could prevent your opponet from attacking, most likely stop you too but the reprieve could be useful for one round
Magic is not for Parlor Tricks~
Sparrow, Moros Second Degree Master
Oh, I have no reason to doubt that Q would and should be in the game. He has the capacity to be game-breaking. (Then again, so do the Borg. And Captain Kirk.)
With im being unique you can only use one and I think it would be a discard kind of thing but Locutus should be a Captain
Why would Locutus be a captain? Other than the queen, Borg don't really work within a command structure on their ships. They are a hive mind, which is a big part of what makes them so powerful.
I'd like to see a Locutus, but he should be Crew, not a Captain. It might actually be better if he was released as a "generic" crew member with a name like "Assimilated Captain", with some ability to represent knowledge of the opposing fleet's tactics and abilities.
I think Q is too iconic to not include in the game, but I think the designers will have to be very careful to make him interesting but not broken. He shouldn't just be a piece that allows you to Alpha Strike...that's not really how Q operated in the shows, and it's not very fun from a gameplay perspective either.
CarlosMucha: that is like be running in a Olimpic race competition just one step to get the gold and then a Giant children place a mirror in your side and you discover what you are really a hamster over a whell and the gold is just a slice of chess. Avatar Summoning: Original GotG, Melter, Whiplash
Because Locutus had a name and that makes him important. The fact he was not just a random drone but had some sense of identity to be named. The average drone Captain would not be of high rank but Locutus would, she left him with some awareness for a reason after all.
I could see there being more than a few, and I know there was a couple named ones in the books but cannot remember if they had any "names" in the tv series.
Magic is not for Parlor Tricks~
Sparrow, Moros Second Degree Master
Yeah, we'll surely get a Locutus and a Queen. While it may not be entirely accurate for Borg ships to have a "Captain" in the sense that everyone else has, that's how the game is set up. I guess they could do something like assign a default initiative skill to all Borg ships and make them immune to effects that disable Captains, but that seems like a lot of trouble.
Because Locutus had a name and that makes him important. The fact he was not just a random drone but had some sense of identity to be named.
You could say the same about any unique crew.
Quote : Originally Posted by Kaewin
The average drone Captain would not be of high rank but Locutus would, she left him with some awareness for a reason after all.
That doesn't explain why he'd be a captain. He was more a spokesperson than a captain for the Borg, IMO. He gave them intel, but he didn't really direct them. They were still directed by the hive mind.
Quote : Originally Posted by flakbait
Yeah, we'll surely get a Locutus and a Queen. While it may not be entirely accurate for Borg ships to have a "Captain" in the sense that everyone else has, that's how the game is set up. I guess they could do something like assign a default initiative skill to all Borg ships and make them immune to effects that disable Captains, but that seems like a lot of trouble.
I'm not sure how much trouble that would be. Could you explain?
I think basic Borg ships (other than the Queen's) should come with a captain skill. Other than the Queen, an individual isn't going to be directing a Borg ship. The Queen should have a Captain skill, and probably boost the Captain skill of all Borg ships within a certain range.
This would also enable the Borg to get past the limitation of most factions, with their base ships (Cubes and Spheres) being awesome "generics". That's part of the identity of the Borg after all, that (outside of a couple exceptions) there is no individuality. In fact when individuality became commonplace among the Borg, it destroyed them. Make them the same as other factions with unique ships, named captains, etc., destroys a lot of what makes them great (and scary), IMO.
CarlosMucha: that is like be running in a Olimpic race competition just one step to get the gold and then a Giant children place a mirror in your side and you discover what you are really a hamster over a whell and the gold is just a slice of chess. Avatar Summoning: Original GotG, Melter, Whiplash