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i believe you can only use exiled force's effect on your turn, so the answer would be no, you can't use priority during his turn to destroy one of his monsters.
I know that but its a question of priority and spell speed 2, it doesn't say on the card tht I can't tribute it on my opponents turn. ne judges online??
I know that but its a question of priority and spell speed 2, it doesn't say on the card tht I can't tribute it on my opponents turn. ne judges online??
people need to get out of this state of mind. cards do not tell you what you can't do. they only tell you what you can do.
a monster effect will almost never say it can only be activated during your own turn.
they can only be used in your opponents turn if they say you can, or if they imply it (by that i mean a monster effect that is chained to an opponents card such as horus level 8).
if it doesn't fall into either of those catagories, then its a speed 1 monster effect and can only be used in your own main phase 1 or 2.
also trigger/flip and continuous effects will still work regardles of the turn, but they're not manually activated.
Exiled force also doesnt say you cant draw 2 cards from your deck by tributing it.
As stated above, cards only tell you what you CAN do. Even in a scenario where it WAS your turn, Call would resolve first and bring back Exiled, them MST would resolve killing CotH.
Call would be destroyed, and trigger its effect of killing exiled force. There would be no time as turn player to activate exiled force, seeing as how you already have an effect on the chain (Call's destruction ability). Your opponent COULD be nice and book it for you, but its doubtful.
Then again, am I even saying that right? Does call start a new chain like Spirit Reaper's similar effect or does call actualy immediately destroy the monster? If so, a monster could be saved in that fasion with book of Moon.
agentmage, i'm about 90% sure that call does NOT start a new chain with its effect. i believe i remember a ruling somewhere that if call was already active, and say some effect was activated, like say pot of greed, and mst was chained to destroy call. that after mst resolves and destroys call, that the monster would be destroyed between chain links before pot of greed resolved.
so i think call's destruction effect is a continuous effect, similar to appropriate, rather than a trigger effect like spirit reaper. i'll check and post back.
edit: i tried searching the judge list, but it's taking forever to load the next page of results, so i gave up. but anyways, i still think thats the way it works. it wouldn't make sense for the monster to stay on the field for the rest of the chain after call is destroyed.