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Hi, I always wanted to know what would happen if I have 2 of my monsters equipped with : Called of the haunted and Premature burial and then doing a giant trunade to return all spell and trap cards....
What will happen to my monsters? Will they stay? The card text clearly says: when this card is destroy the monster is also destroyed.
Also: What happens if my opponent calls of haunted jinzo. Strikes.
Comes to my turn, I special summon Chaos sorcerer, and then remove jinzo, since Call of haunted said "when the monster is destroy" destroy this card also....
I think....and I ask: will call of haunted really remain there meaninglessly?
The one equipped with Premature Burial will remain on the field, whereas the monster being targetted by Call of the Haunted will be sent to the graveyard.
Jinzo was not destroyed, it was removed from play. Call of the Haunted will remain meaninglessly on the field.
Hi, I always wanted to know what would happen if I have 2 of my monsters equipped with : Called of the haunted and Premature burial and then doing a giant trunade to return all spell and trap cards....
What will happen to my monsters? Will they stay? The card text clearly says: when this card is destroy the monster is also destroyed.
Also: What happens if my opponent calls of haunted jinzo. Strikes.
Comes to my turn, I special summon Chaos sorcerer, and then remove jinzo, since Call of haunted said "when the monster is destroy" destroy this card also....
I think....and I ask: will call of haunted really remain there meaninglessly?
It can depend on the situation, but in a general sense, the monster that was brought back with Premature Burial will not be destroyed and remain on the field while the one with Call of the Haunted will be destroyed.
Premature Burial has to actually be "destroyed" for the monster to be destroyed while Call of the Haunted has to be destroyed OR removed from field in any way for the monster to be destroyed.
Like I said, it can depend on the situation like...if Jinzo was face-up on the field or Royal Decree or something, then the monster attached to Call of the Haunted would not die since Call of the Haunted is being negated by Jinzo/Royal Decree.
As for the 2nd question, Call of the Haunted will sit there meaninglessly since Jinzo was just "removed from play" and not destroyed in any way.