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Alright, today at my local tourney there was an argument about Exiled Force. Here's what happened:
Player A Normal Summons Exiled Force and declares he will use his effect.
Player B chains to its effect with a Compulsory Evacuation Device.
Does Player A get priority to fulfil Exiled Forces effect and destroy the selected monster or does the Compulsory send the Exiled Force back to the opponent's hand and save their monster.
Figured that if Exiled Force is no longer on the field it can't fulfill it's activation cost....
Also, what would happen in the cases of using Ring of Destruction and Book of Moon on it?
Thanks to all in advance!
P.S. One more question while I'm at it. If an opponent activates Call of the Haunted and Royal Decree is chained to its activation...what happens?
If player A claims priority to activate Exiled Force's effect, then Exiled is tributed FIRST (because that's the activation cost of it's effect), THEN the opponent can respond with anything. However, given that Exiled is no longer on the field, Complusory, Book of Moon and Ring of Destruction can't do anything to stop it.
Like Benisben25 said, only summon negators or Divine Wrath can prevent your opponent from using Exiled.
The second question should be kinda obvious, if Royal Decree is chained then it will resolve first and negate Call of the Haunted. Now, Call can't revive a monster and will remain on the field meaninglessly.
NO card has priority...only the PLAYER has priority...
A.) IF the turn player that summoned Exiled Force declares priority and chooses to activate Exiled Force, Exiled Force is Tributed IMMEDIATELY BEFORE it is actually "activated" since Tributing is the cost.
That means that it is no longer there to be targeted by cards such as Compulsory Evacuation Device, Trap Hole, Ring of Destruction, Book of Moon, etc, etc. You would have use them on another target since Exiled Force is no longer a legal target that was never available to select by the time they could activate.
The only way to prevent the player from using priority at all is with a summon negator (Horn of Heaven, Solemn Judgment, Royal Oppression, Forced Back). Otherwise, you would have to negate the effect itself via Divine Wrath.
B.) Obviously, since chains resolve backwards...
Chain Link 1: Call of the Haunted - Player selects, let's just say, Mobius the Frost Monarch.
Chain Link 2: Royal Decree
No other responses, so Chain resolves:
Chain Link 2: Royal Decree resolves successfully. IMMEDIATELY, all other face-up Trap Cards on the field are negated.
Chain Link 1: Call of the Haunted attempts to resolve, but it is negated by Royal Decree. The selected monster is not Special Summoned. Call of the Haunted remains face-up in that player's Magic & Trap Zone meaninglessly.
The only way to prevent the negation is for something to be chained that would end up removing Royal Decree from the field somehow or negating it in turn like...
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dust Tornado
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Trap Jammer (during Battle Phase)
Metal Detector
Royal Surrender