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2) Fake Trap will only protect must show your opponent the set trap(s) that were going to be destroyed and place them back facedown. (If I remember Fake Trap's text correctly)
3) The spells will be destroyed.
If I am incorrect, someone please correct me. Thanks.
You CAN activate Fake Trap, however it will be in total vain as you have no Trap Cards other than itself on your field (which you activated), so your Magic Cards would still be destroyed.
Fake Trap
Normal Trap
You can only activate this card when your opponent uses an effect of a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster to destroy Trap Card(s) on your side of the field. Destroy this card as a substitute of those Trap Card(s) and the other Trap Card(s) are not destroyed. If a Set card(s) would have been destroyed, pick up and see the Set card(s).
If I set Fake Trap and then set a bunch of facedown spell cards and then my opponet plays Heavy Storm
Can I Fake Trap the Heavy even though my Fake Trap isnt protecting any traps?
Since everyone wasted their time in not answering your questiond directly, I will.
You can't chain Fake Trap to Heavy Storm in this scenario because its effect isn't doing anything. You can't manually activate a card, like Fake Trap, and not do anything when it resolves.
This is similar to people asking the question, "Can I activate Raigeki even if my opponent has no monsters on the field?" and the answer to that question is a huge "no" because Raigeki isn't doing anything.
So the answer to your question is no. However, everything that everyone else said about how Fake Trap functions is correct.