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Hi me and my friends play tag duels all the time and i was just wondering if there was a real set of rules for a 2 on 2 duels??
if there isnt also how do u like to play 2 on 2 for the people that do play double duels
what we do is each player gets 8000 lp like any other duel
only the last player to go out of all 4 players can atk lp
u cant atk lp as long as one player on a team has a monster still
ur team wins when both of the other teams players lp reaches 0
exodia/Destiny B. wins like always which sucks cause exodia is hard to beat in 2 on 2s
when one player loses their teamate contiues and its just a 2 on one
One thing that really threw us off was last turn in a double match
didnt have a clue how it could work so if anyone can help with that
thanks in advanced
The several times i've played on tag, we play 8000 for both, not individual, for exodia well if one person has it, it wins it for the team, for Last Turn, between both players we select any monster from our respective teams deck/field, so we only end up with 1 for each team.