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Does ehig need to be on the field to get his effect or can he be discarded from your hand? It really doesn't say it would seem to be similare to DD Crow. Thanks for assistance in advance.:rolleyes:
Does ehig need to be on the field to get his effect or can he be discarded from your hand? It really doesn't say it would seem to be similare to DD Crow. Thanks for assistance in advance.:rolleyes:
E-Hero Infernal Gainer
During your Main Phase 1, you can remove this card from play and select 1 face-up Fiend-Type monster you control. That monster can attack twice during each Battle Phase. Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position during your second Standby Phase after you activate this effect.
Does that mean the E-Hero selected gets to attack twice in the Battle Phase, but every turn until its effect is reset/ card destroyed?
Can i use 2x E-Hero Infernal Gainer monster cards on the same fiend?
So sending 2x Gainers RFP until 2nd standby phase.