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I'm making a thread because so many people think charge is a cheesy tastic. So I propose:
+2 defence to the unit getting charged. Charge is still useful but now its more like death from above how it should be but you still get twice your movement.
So tell me what you guys think of that and if you have anyother good ideas please list them.
I personally abhor charging, and do so only if completely needed to break through armor or win a game.
It should be more difficult to run into a 'Mech than to shoot it. A 'Mech will not just stand like a tree and let another 'Mech run into it. A 'Mech has less chance avoiding a beam traveling at light speed :), hence the +1 for charge.
Originally posted by luftvier I personally abhor charging, and do so only if completely needed to break through armor or win a game.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of the opponents I have faced in the last 6 months do NOT abhor charging. They are wisely willing to charge as often as feasible if it means reducing my units stats in 1 hit/dicreroll to the point where my unit is infantry costing x10 more points than it should. Hence I do not field mechs that do not have agility, assuming I'm dumb enough to hand my opponent relatively easy points by fielding ANY mech at all.
Such is the nature of the game at this point. Hopefully the new rules set will fix this problem. We will see.
Here is a thought, why not let the target of the charge have an optional ranged attack (if it has one) at the approaching mech (heat would still apply on a push etc.) but only if the charge is from farther away then the charging mech's primary speed and doesn't start in the targets rear arc.
The thought being if your gonna charge from long range the target pilot is gonna see it coming and have time to react to it.
Only a thought.
Posted this in another htread but it seems more appropriate here.
Another fix for charge would be to have mechs still take 2-3 clicks of heat but not allow them to run while charging. If a mech had to rely on it's printed speed value most mechs would be either in range of other units or could be better avoided. Just a suggestion.
Originally posted by MidnightWolf Posted this in another htread but it seems more appropriate here.
Another fix for charge would be to have mechs still take 2-3 clicks of heat but not allow them to run while charging. If a mech had to rely on it's printed speed value most mechs would be either in range of other units or could be better avoided. Just a suggestion.
I like that idea best too...Or even 1.5x walk speed. The +1 penalty also works for me (+2 if range is beyond walk distance). As well as 1 less damage. Charge already breaks through armor...
Jumping should take a heat as well...Like Run.
Giving the opponent a free attack isn't going to work IMO.
Charge needs to be a viable option to players. But, it can't be so powerful that people use it ALL the time. I mean...If charge is a better option then firing in most cases...something's wrong. And right now, that's the way it seems.
charging should be a last ditch effort, when all of you guns are gone. a mech that is the target for a charge is not just going to stand there, it's going to shoot the charger down if it can. sooooo...
if the charger starts in the front arc of the target, no matter what distance or where it ends up in base contact, the charger takes equal to the primary damage value of the attacker immediately before the charge is made.
i'd personally like it to be more of an attack, where the target makes a roll with a +2 or something to hit (i mean, it's not that hard to hit something running straight at you, trying to maximize it's speed).
but i dont really think it's necessary now, if the new rules go into effect. the larger point value combined with the reduction of artillery power made having infantry out in the open a whole lot more feasable. infantry can be used safely as meat shields again, while having minimum risk at being killed by artillery or other things.
I often keep infantry around my Mech to discourage a Charge, but that can get eaten up by artillery pretty easily. Luckily, not many people use artillery where I play, so that's not a problem, but for many others I'm sure it would be. Charge is just too easy to do IMO. A +2 defense would certainly limit it, but then would make it a bit too useless. If +2 defense was incorporated, then maybe it shouldn't add an extra heat for the Charge. Or, make it +1. Still, I think that we're throwing out ideas in vain. I have a feeling that WK won't do anything to nerf Charge at all... hopefully they prove me wrong :ermm:.