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:) Well how about a NORMAL Madcat? for the Steel Wolves as a UN then the Spirit cats as an LE? then a non in the set after :) AND EWWW RAC Mad Cat II :( thats going to suck ###
Personally, and I know I might get flamed for saying this, I HOPE that there is the RAC-variant Mad Cat II in the next set, and that it is in the same faction as the joyride figure... My favorite Mech for the last eight or nine years has always been the Mad Cat, and I would love to shack up to another one in my set... ESPECIALLY if it's in Wolf's Dragoons. And it would be nice if the LE went to either ROTS, Steel Wolves, or Spirit Cats.
...and Gren, the RAC-variant is actually quite good-looking.
I wouldn't mind another madcat. I've never really played against one, they just seem to be collectors pieces because of their cost. I'm gonna start throwing things If I see more USELESS industrialmechs. Some are good for solaris 7 but give me a break man, Im sick and tired of the pathetic little weenie ones that have heart attacks when they see a peasant company.:p
nah, I have to agree with chibi, it's time for a break from the madcat (unless it's the madcat III).
There are still all the project phoenix mechs left to do. Battlemaster, Maradur, Archer, Crusader, Rifleman, Wolverine, Shadowhawk, Phoenix Hawk, Stinger ( I have left off the warhammer only because the IIC bears a closer resemblance to the unseen model then the new IS version does). Plus the Ostol, Oscout, Ostroc, Valkyrie, and Goliath.
Not to mention other common/popular mech designs like the bushwhacker, hunchback, commando, loki, masakari, awesome, shadowcat, cauldron born, etc.
The forestrymechs look #### nice.But the nicest ICE mech of all is the walking dumptruck with a multi-holed urine spraying-cylinder as its weapon.And not to forget,the dumptruck with a crane is also nice,*looks at the pictures again and fall off chair laughing* :P
And if there is gonna be another MC,it will be taken by the SW,as usual.
I wanna see some of the classic big boys, highlander IIc, Cyclops, hauptmann, kodiak, you know the old heavy hitters. (yes, I know only about 1/10 of them are listed)
I would love a non-unique of the Mad Cat III. It fits right into their non-unique tonnages.
I like to see them in these flavors:
:^: Stormhammers with Pulse and IT, short ranges on pulse.
:^^: Spirit Cats with a strong energy attack, deep, talking 15 clicks deep, combat dial.
:^^^: Steel Wolves with Infiltrate, AP, and because SW often has an oddball unit: AA Missiles for like 3 damage, 14" regular range.
:^^^: Swordsworn with a strong(4dmg) 14" Armour Pierce range.
Me love Mad Cats. Oh, and at least the sculpt has been different for each set's Mad Cat II. I would like to see a Mad Cat I though, and a Mad Cat III released as a non would be a great idea. If they came out with a SC one though it better not have another 8 attack! :angry: grrrr