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Like most of you I absolutely love mechwarrior, and unlike the majority ofyou, I've been playing since CBT. I like the campaigns being run but the format is getting a little old, they need to come up with new things to mix it up a little not just the same type of game with the standard terrain. I think it'd be cool for a in city fight with narrow roads that all tanks could not fit through and of course only specific mechs. ALthough this will be in the likely very far future because of all the special rules (hiding infantry in buildings, knocking them down all that kinda stuff). Any one else feel this way? Even if not can you think of any new cool campaigns?
I agree. Campaign variety would go a long way. I'm at the point where even the promise of cool LEs can't get me to drive the 30 minutes to a venue.
We need full-blown map-driven events. Special large boards such as 3x6 and 4x8 need to come into play. One-time terrain related rule sets, for events like blizzards and orbital bombardments. Historical events would be cool too.
Anyone who has every been to a GamesDay is familiar with the idea.
I am tired of the standard games and I am tired of the half-baked campaigns. Any moron could have come up with the mile-high battle WK came up with. I mean, why didn't they just take it a little further and say that SS had to storm the hill and have to either eliminate all the Liao units or have more points on the hill at the end of the game? Also, Liao should have had a bonus to their range and their artillery should have always had the LOS bonus. This was not the only example. The Liao vs. Spirit Cat month was boring. Liao vs. Republic was another poorly thought out campaign. I think I would have to go back to the Ice scenario in June or July to actually remember a scenario as being fun and original (although Mechs should have had extra cooling in the FREEZING temperatures). As for new campaigns, how about one where someone (BM or someone with a bye) controls a third party that has a few units that would attack either player. Another could be a scenario on a planet with some kind of energy field that would make each player roll every turn or so to see if their powered units shut down or not.
have to say I agree, but then, I've never liked the paper terrain we play on.
heck, even the hex maps from the BT second edition boxed set are more fun.
Then again, my entry into gaming outside of friends was war40k. I love what you can do there for maps/boards, all the rules for it, and the tons of great 3d terrain stores have.
Which is really what I would like, to go 3d, and not just by making 3d buildings in the shape of the existing pieces, but all out for some real variety.
I guess that's why I'm working on a free-form 3'x3' board in 1'x1' sections. That way you can shift the board arround to make it different. It's just grass, with rivers cut into it. Buildings, forests, etc. will all be seperate so you can mix it up even more. I suppose i may increase up to a 4'x4' board, and might do a city one.
Make a central square of grey, surround on all sides by either 1.5", or 3" of black with white dotted lines for roads. Then buildings or parks/etc can go in the central section to make a great city board.
There've been rumblings that WK will cut back on the number of campaigns and focus on quality ones, but I'm curious how far they're going to take it. I'd like to see lots of store games that are not "events." Make the events count.
What about doing semi-annual campaigns? Send the BMs and venues the specs months in advance and run a fully scenicked mapped campaign with reported results. Launch the new sets during corresponding campaigns that really appeal.