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Me, I've purchased a grand total of 6 (with birthday money from
my folks). With the exception of the Marquee, that's all I plan on
purchasing. However, by trading the units I didn't want from
those boosters along with the units, from other sets, I was
looking to get rid of anyway, I've been able to acquire everything
I wanted (HL and SS) from CA (except SS Arrow IV's - :angry: ).
Total estimated, out of pocket expenditure? Around $40! :grin:
Total of 27 I think. Have gotten almost everything I want and had a good time doing it. I'm still missing a total of I believe 4 pieces that I want to get still. Looking to go in with some friends on another case sometime in the end of next week.
I got 49 (1 case + 1 booster). Pulled 10 uniques, 2 of which were Bounty hunter, 2 of which were Janina Lukic. No Kodiak, no Longbow.:( Pulled 1 of every SC unit excep the Sun Cobra, had to trade for it. Pulled 1 of every Liao unit except the Ti Ts'ang. Made all my money back from the case, so no more buying for me.
I have purchased 12 boosters and pulled 2 uniques(SC Maurauder and the BR Ghost).I have pulled every HL piece except for the Longbow so I am happy.I am going to wait for the Marquee to get some more boosters.After that, I will get a case and wait for the upcoming sealed events.I can't wait because there a lot of cool pieces in Counterassualt that I want to get my grubby hands on.
Havent used any of my own money yet. Probably won't.
I play HL, DF, Dragoon's, and Ronin so there's not many units I'm looking for in this set.
Only HL units I want are the Cav Vtol and maybe the Longbow if the trades right.
Only DF units I want are the Mad II, ATV's, Garrot Vtol, and Mortar Squads and the Locust.
Only Merc units I want are the Ronin Special Forces.
Pulled no uniques and only 2 units I'll use. Both Infantry.
I've been trading for the rest of the stuff that I wanted.
This set is very light for me due to the number of pieces per faction that I play and the quality of the piece.
I'm still waiting for people to start trading like normal. For a few weeks after every expansion people act like the current units are gold. Things will calm down to "normal" soon.
I've been using the opportunity to get rid of my junk CA for good LI, DFA and FFE pieces...
I wasn't interested in CA when I heard the news about the RotS being left out. But I support my local venue and went in with a friend on a half case so far. 12 boosters: Bounty Hunter, BR ghost and SC Kodiac, not bad ;) Still wish there had been some RotS stuff for me to look forward to.
Only bought four so far, but we are moving in about three weeks, so a lot of money is earmarked for that. Once we move and settle in, we want to buy a case of either Liao or Counter Assault.