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So far we only have 3 Panthers, 2 Shadow Cats, 2 Catapults, 2 Vultures, 2 Wolfhounds, 2 Mongooses, and 3 Packhunters and 3 Warhammers.
I'd like to see the Spirit Cats get a Vulture in the next set.
I also wonder if we'll see the Koshi's or Centurion's make an appearance in the SH and Liao factions? Or non versions of the Warhammers and Packhunters soon?
Originally posted by mk_magic centurion is in liao but not sh
There is a Liao Centurion? Oh, right, you mean the axe and shield one from solaris... well, I'd rather see the Liao forces get a real centurion, or another LE one...
There are enough Wolfhounds to do a run of non-uniques for the next set...
SH & SS, because it was a staple mech of the FedCom originally
Merc: Because we really want a Kell Hound one, well, at least I do ;-)
SW: Give it to a history that says a Wolf warrior brought it with him after the jihad, afterall, phelan can't of been the only person with a clantech wolfhound...
...Despite the way that you choose to Slander the Language of the Glorious Star-League ::Grumbles about "ain't":: I will post in this thread. ;)
You neglected to mention the Ryoken II...with a few modifications to the sculpt, it could be a nice mech to see again, specifically when (or if) the Ghost Bear Domminion comes in (the Ryoken II was designed by GB)
As for Panthers, Packhunters, Vultures, WolfHounds, Catapults, Shadow Cats, Mongoose(s), and Warhammers, Aff, I would like to see those designes roam the feild in greater numbers; specifically in the above order. Panthers and WolfHounds would make GREAT nons (SW, SH, SS, Merc, in that order) as would Panthers (DF, SC, ROTS, DF). The Vulture would be a welcome sight as well, but only as a Unique/LE (hopefully one of them as a SW with the name Reva Roshak (Sadia Wolf's Commander), and a 16" range) But I can dream, can I not?
I would love to see a couple catapults in their AIV configuration. The SS could have an artymech that could fire every turn and have a 36" range with no min. and armor piercing and 2 targets. That would balance thing great wouldn't it? :sarcasm:
Anyway panthers, packhunters, wolfhounds (particularly mods) and centurions would be great additions the others would probably be too expensive for effective play.
With the release of the first non heavy, I think we may be seeing more in the next set. The Vulture and Thor both come to mind. I would also really like to see a non Panther and Mad Cat III.
Midvalley, why would you want 2 DF panthers?
I want a BR panther!
Even if it's the green one.
There's already a ton of Centurions out there. I'd like to see more Ryoken IIs and Catapults though (give Liao a Catapult, Liao likes Catapults.)
-Panthers I could easily see being a non
-Shadow Cat II this is a bit heavier so would probably have to be another unique ... but I suppose could be a non seeing how as the Rifleman in CA is a non and a fairly sizable mech.
-Considering how common they supposedly were it would make sense to see another Catapult
-Same arguement goes for the Vulture
-Wolfhounds should be a non most certainly
-Mongooses should be a non
-Packhunters should be a non
-The Warhammer we already have 3 of so we're not so quite in dire need of seeing another of these as much as some of the others above .. but this was a key unit and thus should probably see another one (though most certainly as a unique or LE)
-The MadCat III we certainly should see more of, as a non as those were medium support mechs ... as such should be pretty common.
-Ocelot I'll bet we will see as a non in the next set.
-And finally, the Thor we should see again as a LE or unique I would hope.
I'd love to see nons made out of the Panther, Packhunter, and MadCat III mechs the most out of those listed. They have been out since Dark Age and have seen so few sculpts. This added to the fact that they are all cheap mechs (pointwise).
And I like the idea of having some factions get two ranks of a non-unique mech in e set. The Dragons getting a green and elite Panther and the Wolves or Cats getting a green and elite Mad Cat III would be cool.
I would love to see a lot more of the older sculpts made again. MC III, Pack Hunter (Non Unique), Thor, Vulture, Catapult, Panther (Non Unique), Ocelot, Griffin (Non Unique), Wolfhound, and definitly more Cygnus.
Only 2 ryoken II's.............i think it would be nice to see them as UN's again, Also i hope the next Heavy mech UN is a Vulture :) And SW gets one(How could they not?) . Also i do think its high time we see the panther as a non.......O_o give SS the :^^^:
Summoner(Thor)-for SW and SC....its a Clan 'mech for cryin out loud! JF too, but that's another story....
Ryoken II for any CLAN faction...
Pack Hunter for any CLAN faction...
Wolfhound for the IS factions
Vulture for Clans...
more Catapults (maybe one with the Arrow IV 3050 config, but not a whole lot of em) for IS
More Zeus for IS.
I have been asking for an Arrow IV Catapult for ages for DF, and every time I do I get blasted off the forums. That being said, I will once again state the Catapult for DF with a 14" range (adequately priced) would be an exceptional piece. Basically a Go-Cho Sorkin on legs.
Now that I have ignited a flame war against me, here are a few more ideas.
Perhaps one more go of Atlas uniques, one for the DF and one for BR. DF because they were used a lot in the DCMS regimental and battation command langes. One for BR because I think Jacob Bannson would think it a matter of prestige to own one, and it mght be part of his dowry from Liao.
Bring out the Catapult as a non-unique piece and give them all 14" range. These should be given to factions with notorious short ranges, or lack of ballistic attacks. SC, DF, RTOS and SH come to mind. Give the LE version Arrow IV equipment with a 24" artillery range. I want to say give it to DF, but that is predjudiced. It should however got to a faction that already has non-unique catapults so you could run a fire support lance.
Griffins should be brought out as non-uniqes. However, i think the factions with ties to the old succesor states would make the most sense tohave them, since the old House armies were full of them. That gives us HL, SS, DF, SH for possible factions.
Bring another run of unique Hellstars. Perhaps one for SC since they like energy heavy 'Mechs and another for Mercs. Perhaps give it to the Ronin as a compliment to the Longbow they are getting.
The longbow should be given another unique slot. Following my argument for the catapult, give it to factions without a lot of long range ballistic attacks. Not sure which factions this should go to. My catapult idea pretty much covers all the options.
The MadCatIII definately needs to be a non-unique, but I would say to wait until Jade Falcons enter the playing field. Give one to them, another to SC and SW and the last would be a tossup, but I would say ROTS since they would have access to clan tech.
Ocelot would make a good non-unique. Fast skirmishing units like it should go to factions that rely on speed more than staying power. On the other hand, give it to a slow factions (IE HL) to give them some support.
Panther would make an excellent non, and in all honesty should eventually make it into all factions except the Clanners, since they have access to better stuff.
Raiders and Raider MKII will be around for awhile and I think eventually everyone will get one, either from salvage or buying/developing them by themselves.
Thors and Vultures should be re-released as nons, but only to the three Clan factions (SC SW JF) and to Mercs. Before everyone starts screaming, I only mean to do this for the first set. After that release it to the other factions.
Warhammer should be released as a non-unique to all factions, but first perhaps to the factions with Sucessor house backing and perhaps mercenaries. I don't know whatever happened to Natasha Kerensky's Black Widow, but I am sure it would make an excellent Wolf's Dragoon's LE piece.
Wolfhound would make a good non-unique. Give some of them reflective armor and I think we have a good skirmishing unit to give to slow factions.
Lastly I think the Zeus needs to be amde a non-unique. SH, SS, Merc and Laio should get them, since they would ahve been using Zeus' for centuries. And maybe give DF an LE one which could have been captured from House Steiner at some point int he past.
Oh well, that is my two cents. Actually it is more like $3.54. Feel free to agree or disagree with me. These are just my thoughts on the matter.