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I never played any BattleTech before I played MW, so I have a few questions regarding the Jade Falcons. What were their allies, if they had any? I know that Clan Wolf was an enemy, but not sure who would fight with them... maybe the Spirit Cats or whatever they were called in CBT? Also, what were their special abilities, if any? If you can think of anything else to add, please do. I am very curious about the Falcons and what they were like. I have tried going to the CBT website, but I couldn't get there for whatever reason. Thanks to any/all that reply.
to answer a specific question of yours that you wont find on the CBT site: The Falcons will be allied with no one. They are out to kill the Republic and the Steel Wolves. Any other faction is full of Inner Sphere freebirths, and the Spirit Cats are the leftovers of a warden clan long defunct. (This from the viewpoint of a Jade Falcon warrior, with basis from the upcoming Jade Falcon DA novel description - they're out for Republic blood, as well as the Steel Wolves')
CJF occasionally made political partnerships with Clan Smoke Jaguar, which was destroyed by the SLDF 3058-3059. Other than that, I can't think of anyone they've ever allied with, basically ever, except apparently during the WOB Jihad. They worked with the Snow Ravens for a little while, but that turned very sour.
They don't have many friends. They don't need friends.
oh I bet they do need friends. Heck, look at what they did afte the refusal war. Went against their own beliefs just to try and replenish thier forces. and of course, there was that whole red corsair thing......... even if they were the most hide-bound of the clans, they DID change when it meant their survival. so i am sure the'll end up working with someone sooner or later.
They were also weak as hell last I saw them in 3060... prolly 3067 too...
While the falcons were weak in 3060, they were only 3 galaxy's under strength. That put them on the level with most of the home clans. The "blooding" during the FedCom civil war quickly helped rebuild their touman, however.
As of 3067 they are far from weak, having the third largest Touman at 11 full galaxy's. Only Clan Star Adder (13 galaxy's) and Ghost Bear (13 galaxy's as well), field a larger military force. With the average Touman coming to around 8 galaxy's.
*glances* Any one know if Adam Steiner is around? How about Christifori?
5:1 one of these guy's kids shows up with a force of Stormhammers to great them at the border? And that's only if the Kellhounds/WoE don't do it first.
Ya know, besides all of this, i really wish it was a different clan coming in. I mean, how about one that is really rarely ever seen by the people who didn't PLAY CBT? Like the Hells Horses, Or Blood Spirits, or whatever. I mean, who alway's got written about and is in all the video games? Wolves, Falcons, Ghost bears, bring in something different. that's all i am saying
Well, unless you want another Clan splinter group like the Steel Wolves or Spirit Cats, then the Hell's Horses would have to go through the Falcons to get to the Republic. And I think the Falcons might have a little something to say about that...
And it looks like the Homeworld Clans (such as Blood Spirits) aren't coming in any time soon. Heck, they've been cut off for around 50 or so years now.
Personally I would have preferred the Ghost Bears but it's nice to see any new faction.
What about Clan Wolverine? (or were they the noname clan? i cant remember clan history right off)
i say they need to bring back the Smoke Jaguars... they may have been wiped out in the Mechcommander games but i doubt they were all destroyed... there had to be a few survivors... (and i do know that this is like 50 years after Mechcommander but they may have met some hot republic chicks or something... most of you probably know where im going with this so ill stop...)
Whoa, that mech scared the kee-rap outta me. So, the Falcons are back, eh? Let's see if WizKids keeps them true to form and only gives them mechs. That might balance out their expected monster stats a bit.
As long as we're talking about the CBT Clans, what happened to Ghost Bear? I don't read the novels, so I was operating on the assumption that the Spirit Cats were an anglamation of former Ghost Bears and Nova Cats (also thought Steel Wolves were allied former Wolves and Steel Vipers).
Ever since I played the MW2 expansion the Ghost Bears have been my faves. So I say bring on the Jade Falcon curs! We'll die before we surrender! ::Shakes fist defiantly!::
Wow, people yapping around in MWRealms about their supposed knowledge of the Universe, based off of some vague dialogue that they may have heard in one of the MW games, or overheard a snippet of conversation at a convention....
Let me see if I can set the record straight:
1: "What were their allies, if they had any? "
-Other Crusader Clans. While they never hold any long-term allies, they do not hold long-term enemies, either. Well, with the exception of anyone sworn to prevent them from conquering Terra.
2: "I know that Clan Wolf was an enemy, but not sure who would fight with them... maybe the Spirit Cats or whatever they were called in CBT? "
-Well, I can imagine pretty much ALL of the factions would send the Falcons into a frenzy. The Steel Wolves are a POSSIBLE enemy, the Wolves and Falcons could have possibly made some 'oh, we're both Crusaders now, so let's kill freebirths' sort of agreements.
3: "Also, what were their special abilities, if any? If you can think of anything else to add, please do."
- Well, they are VERY tenacious, and favor fast movers with good to excellent firepower, at the expense of armor.
They were also weak as hell last I saw them in 3060... prolly 3067 too...
The Falcons are weak like the home clans
-Do you even have any IDEA of Falcon numbers and experience? Wow, let's take a looksey at their Strength in 3067, eh?
Elite Clusters out of entire Touman (most to least)
Hmmm..... 8th of 14 Clans in the Amount of Elite Clusters. Not SOOOO bad, but considering the massive losses they've taken, that's not too bad.
However, let's look at OVERALL strength, shall we?
SECOND in terms of TOTAL clusters, right behind the Star Adders. With the Adder's recent absortion to add to their relative inaction involving all of their forces, of course they are going to do well.
In essence, you WRONG! :p
And how would they get there? Of course, they can always defy the Clan Council and go rogue, but while they're packing up for the journey, they're gonna get gunned down. To do it the official way, they're going to have to kick out one of the current Crusaders, which I don't think is a good proposition. Unless, they take the Smoke Jaguars slot...... which would make for an interesting tangle with the Combine....
@Timberwolf MK2
What about Clan Wolverine? (or were they the noname clan? i cant remember clan history right off)
Many questions about this have been asked on the CBT message boards. They will NEVER include the Wolverines in ANYTHING. end of discussion.
i say they need to bring back the Smoke Jaguars... they may have been wiped out in the Mechcommander games but i doubt they were all destroyed... there had to be a few survivors... (and i do know that this is like 50 years after Mechcommander but they may have met some hot republic chicks or something... most of you probably know where im going with this so ill stop...)
Yeah, sure, they might be able to replentish to MAYBE about a Cluster's worth..... then the ISF takes them all out in a single massive raid.