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I do not have an Elite Targe at this time, so I field 4 Regulator II's. Used in formation they command heavy respect from my opponents, and are frequently artillery bombarded.
For your list, I'd do the same. Adding a Reg2 and the AA.
I would use 2 MHI tanks. Sure, you lose 2 inches, but gain double range against VTOLs, and a +2 to attack. Plus, the damage is up by 1. Can not go wrong there.
I personally would take one Regulator, and one MHI AA Tank. The Regulator is a superb hunter of infantry , and messes well with our minigun cycles. The MHI AA Tank gives you excellent AA coverage and also is a solid tank by itself.
I played w/ a Targe, a Regulator, and an MHI AA recently, and the balance payed off very well. If I had two MHI AAs, I might do that, but the hover on the Regulator is something to be considered (for the ability to set up shots).
Myself my reasoning for one of each was that it gives good versatility, but I think having two AA Tanks might be a liablity since you could be based out of your firing arc.
Aside from the range, the MHI is a very superior piece. Because of the range thing it could be beneficial to field one of them and a Regulator. The Regulator's attack is a bit low for mid-large mechs, but can maul infantry, light vehicles, and any light, unarmored mechs (like Mjolnirs, Pheonix Hawks, etc) that stray into it's range.
Any of the :^^^: Liao LEs works along with the full lance of :^^^: Targes that I have. Nothing like some good firepower to put the fear in your opponent. :p
I would run dual MHI Defence tanks. Unlike the Danai and the Regulators, they're worth there points. It guarenties that I won't be threataned by VTOL swarms (which you could acually expect to see played) and they do a decent job taking out conventenal vehicals (they are also Ok for tank dropping.)
Until I can get more boosters of CA, my only Elite Liao units are:
Catalina Trujillo
So if I want to get Awe, I have to field one of the two 'Mechs. I like the Rifleman, it's very solid with some nice numbers but I have one simple problem with it. Cat is SO much better for a mere 8 points more.
As for the Regulator, I do like it. It seems to be a decent unit for going after Infantry and Light vehicles / 'Mechs. But as was said, that 7 attack really hurts even with the IT.
Anyway, I've rambled long enough. To answer your question, I'd probably use the Regulator and the MHI. Both are decent units. If your opponent has a VTOL, you'll just shoot it down. Otherwise the MHI serves well as a slightly overcosted tank.