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Yesterday, I went to one of the local venues, thinking that I might get in a game or two of Mechwarrior. I did not think that many people would show up, but I thought I could find someone to stomp me. I get there and there are 2 others that tell me that most people are staying home for the Super bowl, and that we could play some fun rules, so I said OK. We went over some rules and they sounded so-so, but I thought that we could have some real fun, so I had an idea, how about mechs cost half price.
"Half price" they said, they thought about a second, and said, "cool" lets get it on. We had a blast, mechs were kings again.
I can see some problems, but it was fun to have mechs be worth something (I would say "again", but in Mechwarrior DA, I have never thought mechs were worth "something") I still brought out a combined force, and I did OK, the other 2 players brought out more mechs than I did, but one of them did have infantry enough to capture one of the other players mech, and the player that lost his mech had no way to get anything to save his captured unit, so infantry was still helpful, I had arty that was dropping shells all over the board, so it was helpful as well.
I guess that the point I am trying to make is, mechs are the reason that I started to play this game, everything else is just secondary. I know that a lot of you will disagree, but I miss playing "Mech"warrior. I hate it when your opponent does not even bring out 1 mech, and it has turned it into arty, infantry, VOTOL, or even transport warrior, but not "Mech"warrior.
Think about playing a 450 pt. game where your Atlas is useful for more than capture bait (well, it would still be capture bait, but you could have the units to support it, and, though I failed to mention it, even if mechs cost half they still counted full cost for VCs, so a destroyed Atlas would be worth 300 points and a captured Atlas would be worth almost 600 points, but it only cost 150 points in your build) and it would be worth it to run a mech, or several, in your army. I can see "indy" mech even being worth playing, I still see all of the other units being worth using, because of arty, infantry, and vehicles, each have a use in killing something that will give the controlling player VCs to win without the loss of the same VCs. I believe that only crazy people would only run mechs in this type of game, but I believe that most will at least run 1 or 2.
I know that some (OK, a lot of you) of you think this game is perfect the way it is, but for me, I have become tired of getting useless mechs in my boosters, so I wish that WKs would just get rid of them, and give me units that I might use in a game, instead of mechs that I put up on my display case (just because they look so cool). :devious:
I agree. And I think that points should be given on its usefulness on the field. So, if a mech is much less worthless, it should at least cost much less than it is now. Maybe people will use it then for what it is.
And Tanks should not be no exception. The DI Schmitt Tank is 100 tons of devastating power and yet is cheaper than the lightest 'Mech. Now I am not complaning, but have seen some serious flaws in the point structure.
Heck, even *I* have to agree that this is just plain over-the-top.
It just seems like an artificial fix - except it creates at least as many problems as it fixes.
"Look, my SC Mjolnirs now cost only as much as two infantry units!"
Who would lose out? Assault 'Mechs. Since they're all Uniques, you have to specifically have a number of competitive units of the assault class to even HOPE to have a chance against a Dasher II/Mjolnir/PH swarm.
half-priced would still be fun to try out...
As a matter of fact i think ill convience my fellow mechwarriors at my local venue to try it out tomorrow at our usual game. This could be fun...
Originally posted by luftvier Well, half price 'Mechs, eh?
I know that my 450 force would be Arnis, 2x SC Mjolnirs, Declan, Liao Targe, and Jung Chae with some small filler.
but think of all of the VCs I might get when I kill a mech, with a unit that will not award you near the points, you might still lose the battle because I might come out with 450 points of units that will not award you any more than 450 points (unless you capture a vehicle, and get to your deployment zone), but I might get as much as 900+ for your mechs, but bottom line is:
so would my force. ;)
and that is the point, I want to play "mech"warrior, I can still use lesser units (vehicles, infantry, VTOLs) but I want to play a game where I can use mechs, and the rest can die like they are supposed to do. :devious:
while a lot of people do not believe it, Mechwarrior is based in a game that had mechs as the primary weapon system, and that system is Battletech (I know, this IS NOT Battletech). yes they (the mechs) could be brought down by vehicles, aerospace fighters and yes , infantry, but I never, ever played a game of Battletech that nobody brought out a mech. the same can not said about Mechwarrior. I have played in MWDA games that the main force has been VTOLs, or artillery, or even infantry and transport warrior, but I had never played in a game of what I thought Mechwarrior DA was untill yesterday. :classic:
Part of it was that infantry couldn't inflict serious damage on mechs until they had battle armor.
Vehicles were great, until they started taking damage, at which point they had a tendency to go boom. With a not-too-unlikely roll a single machine-gun shot could take out a 100-ton tank.
How to simulate the effects of the real battletech vehicles rules in DA?
On any successful attack against a vehicle unit in which the black die rolls a 6, the vehicle is automatically destroyed immediately. Otherwise inflict damage normally.
I thought that I would play tonight with my son, and we did half price mechs (he loves mechs even more than I do), and I think that in the future, at least for the fun games, I will try to play it this way. :cool:
DavidMWarrior let me know how your game comes out. ;)
Funny, where I live and play it's a tradition during MW:DA-games to bring a 'Mech. Or even more 'Mechs. It has been said before (and heavily debated): 'Mechs should be mandatory during official play. Otherwise WizKids should simply change the name of this game to "TechWarrior" or something like that.
personally I think mechs would be WAY too powerful if they cost 1/2 what they do. I think ALL mechs would be at very least playable if they cost 1/2 as much. Even the crappy ones!
That being said, I think high level play would be really screwed up if mech cost was reduced by 50%... In my experience, you often see mechs in high lvl play (not everyone plays them, but a lot of ppl already do. Personally, I think they are totally playable in their current state... they just don't fit everyone's playstyle.
Originally posted by Humm.... am thinking a :^^^: Forestry mod for 53 points... or a :^^: Forestry mod for 50 - running 9 of them...
Or 9 SC mjolnirs... 3 turns, 9 charges, game over :)
I am kinda confused, I have never meant to suggest that I would only bring out mechs, but it seems that some of you would. I would never just bring mechs, I might bring out hover bikes, and do the break and shoot, I probabaly would have infantry, just to screen against charges (since you can afford to bring out mechs and their support), heck, I might want to capture something.
I think that some might believe that I only want mechs, I do not. what I think would happen is a more combined force might start showing up, that includes mechs, vehicles, infantry, and VTOLs.
one of the reasons that the people that I play against do not use a lot of mechs is because they were afraid of the charge (well, not as much now) they could not field a mech and afford to protect it against it, the same reason applied to captures, why bring out a mech that you could not support just to have it captured and allow your opponet to gain 2xpoints (I know I am supporting the same value, but it just makes it that much more important that your mech is protected).
anyway, I know that this idea is not for everyone (dang it!), but as I have said, I like playing "mech"warrior with mechs, and I will try to do so as much as possible, any way possible. :)