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Hey gang, bit new here but I just wanted to pose a few questions:
1/ Why are we still discussion 300 pt armies, I thought 450 was the new std?
2/ Does anyone have good ideas for mixed 450 point HL/ROTS/Merc forces (what Merc factions are loyal to ROTS... where might I find out where faction loyalties lie)
3/ Anyone one to comment on 3 mech forces... 1 160-170 pt mech and a couple industrial mechs?
Well the Eridani Light Horse is Republic Loyal(They have the Yellow and Black horse symbol and the Black and Grey Colors). They are an old Star League unit and wish the league to return and think the Republic is the only way that could happen now.
Also the 21rst Centauri Lancers are currently deployed on Towne in defense of that planet for the Republic Militia.(They are the kinda off blue and purple kind.-Not to be confused with Hanson's Rough Riders with the light blue color and skull ensign.
Interestingly the Wolf's Dragoons are on the Lyran Boarder with the Falcons on long term contract to House Steiner defending against the Jade Falcon Raiders...which means if and when the clanner scum invade the Republic they will come through the Dragoons to get here.
1/ Why are we still discussion 300 pt armies, I thought 450 was the new std?
>>>Not too sure; First, I'm not sure that I've SEEN any 300 pointers sence the Proposed rules were announced (OK, a FEW, but only a few) Second, I'm not sure WHY anyone would post such armies ;)
2/ Does anyone have good ideas for mixed 450 point HL/ROTS/Merc forces (what Merc factions are loyal to ROTS... where might I find out where faction loyalties lie)
>>>>Merc Regements that SHOULD be loyal to the ROTS:
1) Wolf Dragoons, they've always been a "Good Guy" merc faction
2) Kell Hounds, same as above -----^
3) 21St centari Lanercs, most of the Unique Pilots are kinda idealistic/passifistic (that's parta why I don't like 'em) but also (as Daishi808 said) they're defending Towne Against the Lyrans.
4) Hanson's Rough Riders, I see no reason why they wouldn't be
5) (and the big one) ELH, Old Star League troops, plus they look really REALLY good mixed into ROTS armies (Pretty colors)
3/ Anyone one to comment on 3 mech forces... 1 160-170 pt mech and a couple industrial mechs?
>>>>3x Mech forces (might) be viable...The trick being choosing the right mechs. I would suggest keeping 1 for Long-Range and 1-2 for charging (IE Yuri M and 2x Merc Forestry B's) The trick being that you want to make sure that each of your mechs is good for something different (or at least can be used for different tasks)
well, the wolf's dragoons were once a clan, but were given outreach which in return, they promised to protect the republic at all costs, it became the neutral zone where warriros came for training and to get their merc liscenses and sponsors( i.e. Grey death legion, northwind highlanders, Wolf's dragoons, and Kell Hounds) Phlean Kell actually (the kell hound leader) lived next door to kelly yukinov and sided with davion in the civil war( which would be sh vs. ss now) so i can not the sc would have the balls to take outreach, the neutral planet, from the mercs, shame on them, they should give it back to the mercs, shame shame