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I like it...But quick q, Is the Scimitar there to tie up artillery (inaddition to the ATV's) If that's the case, I would suggest simply spending the points on more ATV's (and/or Trikes) if possible...You'll get more versititity (well, and the non-chargability/DFAability)...
BOTH BH and the Uller will do a good job making an end-run on the enemy DZ and the Uller will do well keeping infantry flushed off of BH
The Donnar is almost superflous...I may consider the LE balac in place for some more An-P-ness...
Of course all this doesn't matter anyway, if you wanted to run this at a WK-supported event in the future, you'd eventually not be able to run the Scimitar...Cute hunh?
Very decent. U r probably intending to use the Uller to take out Artillery shield. Cant really find much flaw with your army since u shd be rather effective against most enemies.
But personally, i'll take Danni over him and end up with 600 points exactly. Danni's advantage over the Uller is his infiltrate and high AV. Effectiveless, I can also have a chance to attack on the first round with Danni. I;ve used his indirect ballistic attack for a couple of times and its deadly accurate. He can be used to take out Arty directly or even damage charges so that they become less effective when they try to charge Bounty Hunter. In 600 points, its quite common for players to deploy dual chargers so it really helps a lot if u can eliminate one of their charge potential first and deal with the second later. Nevertheless, this is a personal preference. Ur army is decent enough.
midvalley> Its not very easy for any DF player to gather more than 3 ATVs from purchases. I myself only managed to get 2 from the 37 boosters i bought. :( I already consider myself quite lucky because my fren bought a whole case and he also got 2.
Hmmm, Yeah, I would suspect that to be the case with the Uber ATV's...I was just trying to offer an alternative...But I guess it's kinda silly for me to expect someone to have Hords of ATV's ::Looks at his hoards of SW Fenrirs:: Ahh, but the beauty of having large numbers of Uber Units ::Remembers that they won't matter soon::
Anyways, LOL! Funny though! I wonder what WK would do if new players complained that it was too hard to get DF ATV's...Would they retire Counter Assault?...
Thx for all the advice. I have 5 of the atvs and like 8 trikes so, I could do that. I too have tons of those SW Fenrirs ( I love them). I only play DF and SW (and merc). I have pretty much every DF unit (except LE Marksman, which i refuse to buy because it sucks and it cost a million dollars) and I have every SW LE and Unique and all of their good units. OK back to the army. The reasoning behind two scimitars is the fact that their def is 19 against ranged which is pretty good against infantry. Also, they can ram and Anti P doesnt kill them outright, hehe. I love the atvs but if they get hit with a ROTS Balac.............. SPLAT!!!!. Again Thx everyone for the coments.
But running too many vtols's will hurt if you run across anyone smart enough to use an aesir or two...against you. Especially, if its a sh aesir with a 9 att and IT and put it in a sh J-37 transport
Quantrill if I drop the Uller and the scimitars, I will lose all of my infantry control. The only thing I will have that can dmg infantry will be The Bounty Hunter and if I am shooting at infantry with the bounty Hunter I am going to lose. With the uller prowling around I can take out meat shields and keep infantry from closing in on the Bounty Hunter.