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I PM'd stormfox about making this a poll, but he said that the list was too long, so I am making this an open-ended question.
There are numerous mechs that have only been seen as Unique's and LE. Which ones would you like to see GVE versions of? Are there any that you think should never be commons? Are there any that have been commons that you would like to see have another go around so that your faction can have one?
My answer- There are lots that I would like to see, but to pick one, I will choose the Catapult. I don't think that they were ever considered rare mechs in CBT so it wouldn't be unreasonable.
I don't think that we need any Atlas commons.
I think any of the non-assault mechs should be allowed to make a second round as nons. The mechs I would choose would be the Tundra Wolf and the Mad Cat III.
I hate to put a negative spin on this (particularly since it only contributes to my reputation on these forums), but I think this whole topic of discussion is pretty irrelevant. I (and many others, even those from camps who usually disagree vehemently on pretty much everything) am of the opinion that if this proposed rotation system goes into effect, the game is history. Gone. Nada. Kaput. In the bargain bin of failed games at the local comic shop. It may slog on for a while, but only as a pale sad shadow of its former glory.
Maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong. But I dont think I am. If it turns out I am, I'll be more pleased than anyone. I guess we will see. :(
OK, I'm going to try to nip this in the bud. Please limit your responses to the original question, not Warflail's grouching that this is a bad idea. We can start a new thread for that if we want, but please keep this a fun thread for talking about neat units that you would like to have more opportunity to play with.
Maybe as good a question would be which units from DA, FFE, etc. would actually be needed to make a good base set. I mean I think we can all agree that the shandras do not need to be rereleased.
@ AtlasKiller: What do you mean by "bring back" units? Your question is imprecise; there are (at least) two very distinct interpretations:
(A) Units from previous releases that are likely to be 'retired' under WK's recently announced Approved Play plan which you'd like to keep in the new Base Set. These units could be either Unique or non-unique releases, just as long as they stay "in the game."
(B) Units that have previously only been released as Uniques which you'd like to see included as non-uniques in subsequent expansions. The whole idea here would be to increase their visibility in gameplay (as well as making it easier/cheaper to get one of these figures).
There is, of course, a fair degree of potential for cross-over. For example, like you I'd like to see the Catapult released as a non-unique; I'd also argue that as one of the 'classic' units from the CBT mythos, it should also be included in the next Base Set release. Conversely, there are some units that I'd like to see more factions have access to, but wouldn't really mind if they were (eventually) retired from Approved Play -- the Shadow Cat comes to mind (although I'd really like a new sculpt, the old one just looks grossly outsized).
That said, I also think there are some non-'Mech units that should be included on the list: Standard Foot/Elite Infantry come to mind, as well as Peasants (although, to be honest, I think Peasants should be released as a generic, non-faction specific unit); SRM and Laser Teams; mini-gun cycles; Fox & Scimitar; Saxon APC; Marksman, Po-II & Joust tanks; Sniper, LongTom & towed artillery. And finally, I think every faction should have at least one commonly available vehicle (of some sort) that has Repair (both vehicle/mech and personnel) and Command -- if these are MASH, JI100/J37 & Mobile HQ, so be it, but any sculpt with these abilities would do.
I would expect a base set to concentrate on the factions losing the most units from the original base set being eliminated, but probably have some units from every faction present at the time the base set is released. Perhaps making the base set larger than a standard expansion.
The units either need to 1) be essentially a reprint of previous units, minus the useless or too uber units, allowing the collector to use the same units from the original set at no penalty . . . .OR 2) create entirely new units with similar, but tweaked, abilities and concepts more reflective of the current game environment so we might see a set that looked like:
1-4 Conscripts
5-8 Miltary Police
9-12 Rocket Bikes (hover mode, lots of movement)
13-16 Motorcycle Scouts
17-20 JJ BA 1
21-24 JJ BA 2
25-28 Other BA 1
29-32 Other BA 2
33-36 Whirlwind Harassment Vehicle (hover mode)
37-40 Grasshopper Scout Car (wheeled)
etc., etc.
sorry if I was unclear, I meant what mechs formerly available only as uniques/LEs would you like to see in any future set base or otherwise as commons. Examples would include pack hunters or any of the mechs listed in the other responses.