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Which IS Faction would you like to see involved in the future ?
Drathal sent me a bunch of poll ideas, and out of them, this was born.
We had something similar way back, but itīs been a long time. Which Inner Sphere faction(s) would you like to see directly represented in MWDA ?
A Marik/Free Worlds League faction might not be as far fetched as it seems. Sure theyre all divided and weak, but the factions involved in the Republic War arent exactly galaxy spanning in the grand scheme of things. Only Liao (and soon Jade Falcon) are really true powers. No reason a weakened House Marik couldnt dispatch a force on the same scale as SS, SH, DF, BR, etc. Maybe even a pro-Republic force, God knows not EVERY new faction has to be rabidly anti-Republic.
well, I selected House Steiner and House Davion, hopefully the Swordsworn and the Stormhammers will be absorbed by these two. Even though I don't like the Innersphere houses or the Republic, it just doesn't seem like BT without them. I would like to see the old clans make a come back after Falcon's Prey.
I voted for Marik since they are the only group not represented out of the choices given. And since I have no clue how the Draconis Combine absorbing the Dragon's Fury would affect the game from a gameplay standpoint. Would there be House abilities for the Combine units, but not for the Fury units. Would the Green, Veteran, and Elite units be the same Reginments they are now or would they be replaced as well? Too many questions at this time to decide if I'd actually want the Great Houses to come in and absorb the Factions. :ermm:
Personally I want to see the Com-Gaurds return. I was a long time playter of them before the clans came and then i fell in love with the ghost bears. I picture a high tech faction withloads of SE and stable stats until about the fourth or fifth click then they drop like a ton of bricks on jupiter.