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So what would you like to see in the new equipment cards for mechs?
Coolant Flush - Take one click of damage to reset your heat dial to green. Heavy and Assault mechs only.
Targeting Computer - +1 to all attack rolls against vehicles and mechs.
AC 160 (Anti-Chargemonkey cannon) - Specifically designed to take out a certain 160 point charger mech. On a successful hit, the target mech is immobilized and cannot move for 1 full turn. It can still fire, vent, cool and spin. It simply cannot move its center dot in any direction for the duration of the effect.
Turkey Baster - Target as many Jade Falcon mechs as you can with the chosen ballistic weapon system. Using a ranged combat attack, resolve the attack normally. Each mech successfully hit loses any Jump Jet special abilities for 1 full turn and cannot use the EI special ability until they get the sauce off their sensors.
Bribery - Upon a successful close combat attack against any Bannson's Raiders or Sea Fox mech, that mech will wander off into the corner of the battlefield and sit out the combat for the next 5 turns.
Kilt - (Highlander/Republic units only) Your mech is wearing a skirt. Increase your defense by 2 as other mechwarriors point and laugh at you.
Please, let's try to keep this lighthearted and fun without getting too bogged down in reality. :)
(...and FYI, I'm Scotish so I know its not a skirt. If we can't laugh at ourselves, we aren't qualified to laugh at others.)
Does 1/2 of your energy damage rounded UP for every point above what you needed to successfully hit, to a max of 5 times.
IE: Your energy damage is 4. you need to hit a mech with a total defense of 20. Your attack is a 10, and you end up rolling a 13, totalling 23. That's 3 above the defense. You actually hit on 20, 21, 22, AND 23. This means that you hit four times, which is 2 each, for a total of 8 damage to your target.
Don't laugh at this "uber" equipment. It actually EXISTS. Or did, back when Battletech was called Battlroids. Definitly old Star Leauge Equipment! But cool none the less. if you just barely hit, you only do 2 points. Or if you Crit, you did max, which would be 10!
Highlander's Toast - If the proposing player rolls 6, on 1d6, the Opposing units must accept a pre-battle toast (Scotch, Irish whiskey etc..). The opposing units must roll a 5-6, on 1d6, or be intoxicated (due to the strength of the toast). If the Opposing units fails then all attacks for the next 3 rounds are at a minus to hit - Round 1= -3, Round 2= -2, round 3= -1. If opposing player succeeds in beating this toast then the Toasting player caanot attack durilng this round due to the profound respect he/she has for the drinking ability of the opposong units.
Any time this unit makes a successful Balistic-Ranged-Combat-Attack, all units (including the firer) and terrain within 96" (8') of the target are instantly destroyed. Do not use this units normal damage value.
This equipment may also be used with an Artillery Attack. If this is the case, measure the 96" (8') from the center of the Artillery pog (after drifting).
After the attack is resolved, mark off the affected area (use string or tape). This is a Radiation Zone (RZ) Any unit in the RZ with Salvage SE showing on its dial at the end of its player's turn takes damage. This damage is equal to 1 x # of overlapping RZs.
Ex. My Salvaged Tank is in within a single RZ, so it takes 1 click of damage at the end of my turn. My opponents salvaged infantry, however, is in an area where two RZs overlap. In this case, his infantry takes 2 clicks of damage at the end of his turn.
An RZ lasts for 500 turns. After this time, it is unmarked, and removed from play.
new special equipment - Baliistic only, mech only 1pt
SRTIMW (Short Range Tactical Infantry Munching Weapon)
your mech is now bristling with anti infantry machineguns. if an infantry unit basses you, remove the poor sot at end of turn, and asign 5000000 damage to any infantry unit within 3 inches of the removed unit. repeat this process for any infantry removed in this way until a maximum distance of 10 inches can be measures in any direction from the center dot of the equiped mech.
Flavor Text - 'they'll never know what hit them...'
Raspberry Jammer Cost: 25pts
Limitations: Winnebagos with wings and balistics only
When this unit makes a successful balistic ranged combat attack, the targets minimum and maximum ranges on all weapons are reduced to zero for two turns. Do not use this units normal damage value.
Flavor Text: "Only one man would dare give me the Raspberries.......Lone Star!!!!"
----------------Dark Helmet
I am horribly shocked that no-one has mentioned the PFC yet... (Pink Flocking Canon)
Points: 10
Flavor text: Player is allowed to #$%#^-slap opponent if opponent fields more than 2 artillery peices or 2 VTOLS or more than 30% or their army is comprised of infantry.
Chain fire 45 pts Limitations : Primary & Secondary Dam = or < 3, Medium and Light Mechs only
Whenever this mech makes a ranged combat attack, it may choose to attack again. For each attempt subtract 1 from the damage value and take 1 click of heat after each attempt, roll for heat dail conditions if apply. Damage of 0 or negative is treated as 0. Flavor Text: "Some mech jocks think its hard to shot up a target in a mech. Those pansies aren't firing enough of their weapons!" - Morris "Volter" Strong
Unit with this equipment card can break-away with out needing to make a break-away roll. This unit can also break-away if there is no room between units.
Flavor text " Sir, he's slicker then hot Sh** on a newly waxed floor! We just can't pin him down!" -Pvt. 1st Class Hung Fhar Lo
When this mech fails an Ammo Explosion or Ammo Explosion: Critical, you may choose to either: discard this gear card to reduce the damage to 0, or subtract -1 to damage taken. Blah BLah blah.
MASC: Add 2 to this mechs speed value when running. After each run, roll a die. If the result is 6, permenatly subtract 1 from this mechs speed value.
Inferno Rounds
Instead of dealing damage, this ballistic weapon deals 1d6-2 (minimum of 1) heat on a successful attack against a mech or base damage +2 against a vehicle or infantry.
Null Signature System
This unit gains the Electronic Camouflage SE as well as a +1 defense against ranged combat attacks.
Beagle Active Probe
This unit nullifies the affects of Electronic Camouflage and Null Signature System to all enemy units within 16 inches.
Deal one click of damage to this unit to give 1D6 damage to every opposing infantry in base contact with this unit (no to-hit roll is require, roll damage individually for each unit affected)
Deploy on Spirit Cat mech only. This mech's pilot was hittin' the good stuff before battle. On each turn roll 1d6 and apply the following affects:
1) "What team am I on again?"
This pilot must make an attack against a friendly unit in range (charge, dfa, close combat, or ranged - controller decides). Ignore normal base contact rules for this attack.
2) "Whooooooaaaa....dude my hand is SO FREAKING COOL!"
This pilot is looking at his hands....and that's it. This unit cannot take any actions this turn. You lose 1 order.
3) No affects.
4) "...dude....DORRITOS!"
Your target looks like a giant Dorrito. +1D6 damage if you successfully hit.
5) "Whoa."
You think you are "the one." Any action you take this turn involving a roll of the dice automatically nets the highest possible roll (a 6 on 6D6, or an 18 on 3D6)
You are possesed by the spirt of the kitty cat. Pick any two faction abilities from any faction and use them this turn in any manner allowed by the rules.