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'ello! I was having way too much fun trying to play around with a variant idea using the Tank model from our friend, Wkura.
I thought that Krugg were a billion times cooler than any lame Elves on horses so I quested for a way to use the Kruggs instead, and this is what I have come up with.
One version moves faster the other one has the BIG harasser. Use whichever floats your boat. It functions exactly the same as the previous versions except this uses Kruggs.
Set up should place EGM sideways with the Bond Maker sitting in the groove. Then place the too big Kruggs in front parrell to each other. The other ones should be at and angle touching both bond maker and EGM. Then Shades or Fell brings up rear.
( Dang, that sounds obscene. Sorry! )
The strength of a build using Kruggs lies in the easy substitution of other Kruggs into the model. All the other Kruggs including the bounders and rammers can easily be used in place of the chargers, making a unique blend of strength to fit your tastes.
I was gonna say the same thing as Wkura about the rammers. Maybe you could add a tough War Hatchetkrugg or 2. This way if you are going agaist some figures with really high defences you can ram first and then charge.
Now I wish I would have named this thing "My Little Pony" ( Wkura is now working on his Rainbow Bright arm along with making my Techun a dress so he looks like the Wendy's girl) I like the version and Wkura is right abotu using the Fell. The Kruggs give you alot of different options to choose from. Bounders, Rammers, Chargers, and they have the forcemarcher with defend which gives one a little more options on how to place figs. The one problem I see is that all the Kruggs must be touching the Shyft if you want to move them in formation.
They all do touch the shift. It's just hard to explain. I'll try to clarify.
EGM sits sideways, and the Bond Maker fits in the dip in her base on the forward side. Two Kruggs are b2b with their back arcs on the Bond maker facing forward. Then the two other Kruggs have the front portion of their bases touching the Bond Maker and their back portions are angled outward to have their rear arcs touch the rear and front arc of EGM respectively.
Get 5 double-base figures and 1 singe-base figure and try to form the formation it does allow for the shared 19 defense and the shyft formation movement as well as provide significant cover for EGM.
fit but I thought it might be cumberson at times. Wkura has a hard time getting his ponies in a line. After he picks them up and brushes their hair. The worse is the little hair clips!