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My strat. is to let the Solo. S,D,C, and Amotep gunner hang back and shoot from a far, with the taskmaster behind them and Solo. C be in the middle of the other two Solo. Then every one else is to prevent swarming or to swarm the enemy depending on the type of army I am facing. I would like to take out For.1 and Amotep gunner and put in more long range attkers but I do not know who. So should I leave my army alone or put new people in. Thanks
:D :D :D
Easily done. By putting a few more Mage Spawn (probably the Pyre Spirit and Wyvern) with the Bond Maker, there's formation 2, and another formation can be made by tossing the Solonavi together for the first couple of moves.
My strat. is to let the Solo. S,D,C, hang back and shoot from a far, with the taskmaster and Fell Reap. behind them. Let the Solo. C be in the middle of the other two Solo to heal when needed. Then every one else is to prevent swarming or to swarm the enemy depending on the type of army I am facing. So what do you say about this army.:D :D :D
You only have 3 actions for a 1200 point army, but your entire army will take 16 actions to move. Try adding some more formations or moving your Nightmear reapers in formations.
3 actions +1 command (taskmaster) + 2 commands rolls (i think) per turn. You need 6 actions to move all, so you have extra actions to atack with the solonavis.
the version orson posted looks very solid, however I think it would benefit from something like this: take out the loners, adding in a *shade and solonavi avenger, replacing exactly as wanted
:( :( I guess I did not explain my strat. real good only the Pyre Sprite, Gate Lord, Fell Reaper, Living Elemental, and Torment Souls will go out and fight. the trolls and Solo. and every body else hangs back. when the first wave is dead, i send in my second wave(the Solo. and trolls) and then the Nightmare Reapers, Heavy Lanser, Fell Reaper is to prevent a swarm upon the Solo. so my first wave is close range and my second wave is long range and if I have any ex turns for the first wave I bring in the Solo. early.
nice army but i suggest instead of mummy what if a formation of warhachett krugg much better instead of mummy, striker and tormentor is find but you dont have to put the destroyer in that 90 points you can add and create another formation but like i said you had a tough army.......gud luck in future battle.....:D
Instead of that dumb mummy, why not throw in mortis drac? A nice 10 damage with sneak attack. I think the mummy is the worst unique figure in sinister so why invest your points on him? might as well add shades instead of that slow moving glorified version of a tomb horror.