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It's a pretty straight GA army with the Zombie to get me the requisite 3 Necropolis figs. The striker puts the hurt on most people, the minoin is there for the Stealth-y ones, and the Fell finishes off the straglers.
Beyond the viability of this army- am I right in thinking that the all-flying army is the way to go? If it is, there's no formations, and the winningest bet for a formationless army is the GA archetype.
Anyone who feels I've missed the boat, please set me straight.
You seem to be correct, but like 3 formations of 5 Longbow Archers*** with 2 ESA's Enchancing the main attacker of each formation would put a lot of hurt on any GA.
I would think the Destroyer would probably be a better choice than the Striker... I'm sure a lot of people will be playing heavy Stealth or LI for this scenario. The Destroyer will at least let you take a shot at the Stealth figures like Nightstalkers.
Of course, neither one of them will do much against a Wraith.
Actually, probably the best Solonavi for week 3 is going to be the Creator.
She's bloated in a 300 point game, but she has some distinct benefits in this scenario that the other Solonavi don't.
1. She keeps flight all the way down her dial, and even on her last click has a 10" flight. All the other Solo's lose thier flight after more than 2 clicks of damage making them have to use bound, charge, etc. and being stuck on the ground where the playing field goes against them.
2. 4 clicks into her dial she gets Shockwave with an ungodly 7" radius and still maintains an 11 on her attack, meaning she can root out all those Stealth units hiding in the hindering terrain.
3. Before she goes into Shockwave, she's a maneuverable, ultra-long ranged healer, so if you have other flying attack units (*** Screeching Terrors are a nice choice), she can keep them healthy.
I'm personally going to try to work on an army with her, maybe some Screeching terrors, or Fell Banshees. There's going to be a lot of people out there with stealth hoping to try to force close combats, or trying to pick people off from stealth (Nightstalkers, Woodland Snipers), and Shockwave is going to be a good asset for dealing with them.
Also had in mind the HOST. Sounds silly, but if I lay down a strip of Hedgerow where it makes a "road" towards my opponent (preferably center of the field), I can sit the Host on it and just move back and forth along it (Since part of my base will always be outside of the hindering terrain, the HOST won't be slowed down by it), controlling most of the board. And since indirect fire isn't affected by terrain, you can drop those meteor sized rocks on those stealthy units creeping up on you.
Just a few ideas there. I think the GA archetype WILL rule week 3 pretty much though.
(Since part of my base will always be outside of the hindering terrain, the HOST won't be slowed down by it)
Sorry, that won't work. If any part of the figure's base is in hindering terrain when it begins its movement, it is subject to the hindering terrain penalty.
Try the woods. If you can keep the Stonethrower moving in such a way that you never start movement in hindering terrain, you can get around that restriction. If part of the base happens to go into hindering terrain, but not all of it, and you can get completely out of the terrain before you stop moving, you'll be fine.
I don't know about the Striker/Destroyer/Wind Minion set up. 2 clicks to either solonavi will reduce them to limping through the shrubs. I think a healer to keep everyone flying is something all the cool kids are going to want.
Originally posted by Balduvian Oh, that's right, I almost forgot.
It was actually going to be Destroyer/Wind Minion/Corrupted Priest instead.
through out its dial? Although Destroyer/Wind Minion/Chofni would be great. Coming in at 223, leaving 77 points, so this is possible. I think Chofni is 48. I think you could do your combo using Nightblades for the other two NS figures like I'm doing. But with the Destroyer MI, I don't think the Corrupted Priest is the best choice.
Well, seeing as how I don't HAVE a Chofni yet (didn't play in Week 1, won week 2) a *Corrupted Priest would be my only option, aside from a Faith Healer that probably wouldn't be able to move for the entire game.