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well i've been thinking for so long to find a way to kill dragons and chariot since its becoming a trend of players using cheesy MDF in tourneys.
finnally, i found a way. here's the army i was thinking
heavy stonethrower-114pts
2 light stonethrower-168pts
1 weak ESA-18pts
300 pts flat
terrain: put as much blocking terrain as possible position it in the middle or in a way that any MDF would have not much room to roam around.
since titans can make indirect fire and double range against MDFs, it can attack through blocking terrain while the dragons cannot and chariots would have to take hits before it can base the stonethrowers.
if the MDFs go through open terrain, the stonethrower becomes more powerful, it can make direct fire.
basically the two light stonethrower are for support and added firepower.
the ESA is for enhancing the damage capabilities of the heavy.
Killing MDFs is all fine and good (I've used Dracs to do that), but what happens when you run into F&P, or a GA?
In other words, your army is overly specialized to deal with one type of army, and as most of us know, if you build an army to counter another specific type of army you'll usually end up being successful.
Problem is building something to deal with everything else out there.
You might want to rethink those stonethrowers and use the points to pick up some ** Launchers, and * Clurch Piper.
3 Launchers and a Clurch Piper have enough firepower and manuverability (and ranged piercing attack) to bring down or else seriously cripple most MDFs (especially if you managed to score three hits on the Chariot's Front dial, or the Dragon's Wings) while letting you build a decent army on top.
If you want insurance, drop a couple of Shamen in to increase the pain and heal the launchers when they push.
i forgot to tell you guys that here in country, most players use MDFs in tournies, seldom do i see single base and mounted uniques figs being used. its a trend here. so i build this army around that. im anticipating facing MDFs.
This army would probably do just fine against most armies. It wouldn't slaughter them the way it would chariots and dragons, but I seriously doubt that anything out there right now would own this army when played in the hands of a good player.
Using a VSD properly can easily kill any MDF or titan, because you can line up your dragon to hit the opponent with your head and a side in one turn. This does 16 damage if both sides hit, and both sides have a 13 attack, so you rarely miss. Exept agenst Gilgish (spelling?) with his 21 natural defence.
You do not like the cheesy MDF in tournaments, but your solution is to use a Titan, which is, for all intents and purposes, a MDF.
Bottom line, if you do not like the Dragons winning all of the tournaments, bring one of your own. I kinda like that people with a fixed income can buy a starter and a dragon and get in there with the big boys.
Having said that, you can either outrange a dragon, or out action them. Force the dragon to push as much as possible, using swarms and other means. You can also outrange them, I think, with Bound figures and such.
Terrain is very important as well. Bring a few low walls, and stealthy guys. The key to the low wall against MDF's is that even though they can cross them, they cannot land on them.
well im ignored at players using MDFs for the soul purpose that they turtle you. i mean how can you beat a dragon or chariot in 50 mins. you beat cheese army with cheese. thats my answer to those armies. well i kinda hate seeing dragons, especially when handled by noobie players who just doesnt know how to use dragons and chariots. they buy them just to show that they have them but doesnt know how to use them.
i guess i just have to test this army if it would work. ill update you all on this.