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Pretty simple..Similiar to a GA I suppose...Fell Banshee is to deal with Stealth...Priest for a maneurable healer..Imps for harrassment.and so forth..LMk what ya think..and what I could change..Hope to see some replies =)
charge and bound are beautiful in this scenario. throw some ML in too for good measure and the yoyo and its unstoppable. I recommend for your army pushing the striker into bound ASAP and getting rid of the fell banshee for a ***nightmare reaper, and then playing around with chump blockers. just an idea.
You have a very solid army here that can deal with your opponent's figures in a lot of ways. Your excellent mobility (3 figures with 14" movement, another with 12") should go a long way.
The only change I'd make would be to drop the *Imp and use the 5 points to upgrade the **Fell Reaper to a ***. That extra click of damage can make the difference, and its speed holds up a little better too... and a lot of the ranged units in this scenario are going to be either MB or Shockwave, so line-of-sight blocking won't be as important.
I don't really see the value of Charge/Bound here... a Centaur Champion would only be able to charge 3 inches or move 6", so it'd be stuck within range of something like a Striker or Destroyer for at least two attacks. The two movement SAs that will make or break an army this week are Stealth and Flight.
deep wood entinels are great for the week 3 one. the have stealth and senice its all hindering it cant be hit. they have to base it and they also have pole arm
I have to agree with Balduvian..Charge and Bound..Really arent gonna be affective in this scenario(Although last certainly was...Helped me go 4-0 and win the tourney =)Anywayz..I'm gonna try and avoid pushing the Striker too much..As I dont want it to go into the Bound IMO Bound really doesnt help..(well it does..but not as much as the 14 inch flight)
About the * Imp..Balduvian..If i had a *** Fell reaper..I would definately do that suggestion..but..sadly..I dont =((I have tons of * and ** though..but no *** =()Also..thx for the compliment =).This week...I think Flight is better than Stealth..Decreases movement is not kool.Also..I was thinking about maybe downgrading the ** Fell Reaper to a * and removing the 2 imps and upgrading the Wyvern to a Bladesmith Draconum..LMK whatchya think of that
Right now the main things Im worried about is..MB...And the Wraith.Those are my main to fears(Wraith because I HAVE to base it..Even if you have MB).I dont think MB is gonna be too much of a problem..The farthest MB is 12 inches right?(Besides Arcane..I dont think any1 is gonna be playin him though.)So..the Striker should be able to out range em so hopeflly it wont be that big of a problem.
It's a shame you don't have a ***Fell Reaper. I really think it would make a noticeable difference. Anyway, you have two good figures for dealing with a Wraith should you come up against one... the Reaper and the Wyvern. Also, you may be able to get off a shot with the Fell Banshee if you get set up right. Since you're going to have a big movement advantage over the Wraith, you may be able to pull it off.
Yah it is a shame =(...I MIGHT be able to get one before the tourney..If i can..I'll definately switch it out.Right now..I'm pretty sure I can take down the Wraith..I have a large movent advantage over it..and I really doubt any1 is gonan be playin a normal hoping I wont see a Wraith getting healed repeatedly(Although if He trys to run..i can easily get to him)
I'm prety sure Im gonan keep the Wyvern..and not put in the Bladesmith Draconum...But I would like to hear suggestions..Looking at my army I'm feeling pretty confident about it..althogh I would love ot hear more sugestions..Thx for the help so far Balduvian
Oops. I got week 3 confused with week 2. In week 2 i used a striker, ***scorpem gunner and 2 ***nightmare reapers (and some other stuff) which got me 1st place. Now that i know this is week 3, ill add in the right suggestions.
Ahh, hindering terrain. People say flight, magic blast, and stealth are the things to go for. I dont think flight works as well as many people think here. If you have a good strategy, you dont need an entire army of flying people like i saw in some armies that were posted. Rather one or two heavy hitters with flying should do the trick, or maybe some magic levitation in place of flight.
Stealth is wonderful, but what do you do in the case of your opponents heavy magic blast? Most people look towards the Wraith, and obvious choice, but if everyone is expected to play one, it makes sense to include some anti-wraith strategy.
The best idea is to have:
A little bit of flight. just enough to allow you to manuver well in case of an emergency.
A decent amount of stealth. it stops non magic blasting range in its tracks. wonderful. simply wonderful.
Very little on no magic immunity. its not required. not only that, but chumpers (imps, shade) work against magic blast as well as just plain range, so wouldnt you rather have a defense that stopps them both rather then just one?
The way i see it, we will see many wraiths and other stealth / flight figures in week 3. for stealth, you need to have some magic blast and some quick melee attack, charge or otherwise (ill be levitating my melee fighter for this *hint*hint*). if they play a wraith (most likly), magic blast and range is useless, so melee is what you need, and what melee works better then a quickly hitting attack? Flight is a little different. You need to be able to hit them quick, because if you just manuver till the placement is right, chances are they will outmanuver you with their flight.
Personally, my Mortis is going to hit the scene on week 3, with some levitating friends and a few reapers, nightmare and fell. chumpers are a must.
Think about how your army will stand up against a wraith with support. How about a pyre spirit with support? You cant forget those magic blast-fest armies either. expect the unexpected, and then prepare for it. did make some viable points there...Heres my response..
Pyre Spirit-No worries..Why??Because Im the only one who has one =/(Its sad yes...but NO1 trades online cept me)
Wraith-Once again this is what Im most afraid of..this is why I wanted to maybe put in that Bladesmith Draconum..but I think I can manage without him(Hopefully..since I know most of the players are running him)
Stealth-Im not too worried..because I'll have the maneuvarabilty over them...Hopefully I will be bale to get the Banshee in there for some shockwave
Although I'll admit..I have DEFINATLEY thought about runninng pieces with Stealth to take advantage...I have definately though about running Wraith..I thought about running Mortis too(Mortis was my original army idea)but..I think this scenario is all about maneuvarabilty..and this is what my army gives me..Thx for the definately made me think on a few things(hence me replying so late)I appreciate the comments =).If i do make any will be definately for Stealth pieces..
Keep the suggestions coming(Also..I might have a secondary army up tomorrow)
the wraith is mainly there as an annoyance. the mortis is the big gun. once the wraith distracts my opponent into pushing, ill levitate mortis into their back arc to nail them for everything they are worth.
If you base the magus ill levitate your back into mortis.
Detonating is a repeating chumper that seconds as an offensive punch, with a possible 4 clicks of damage, toughness, and shockwave.
The shade and podo are there for chumpers.
The Fell Reaper is backup. 14 inch flight ensures he can hit the battle scence whenever im ready.
and the rest, (or at least, my opponent) is history.
heh..that seems pretty good..has a lil bit of everything...but you must remember the Sneak Attack rules...Mortis has to go into base contact on his 0wn move action to not allow them to get the free spin(One of the reasons I kinda stayed away from Mortis..he only moves 4 inches normally =/) looks have a lil bit of everything(stealth,Flight,MB,)Hope you can do well
Boris-Well Im not really sure what Hitman and Borg's GA way I guess Im gonna plya it the good way =/
once the wraith distracts my opponent into pushing, ill levitate mortis into their back arc to nail them for everything they are worth.
And thanks to the rules change on Sneak Attack, they'll get a free spin before you even get the first attack off. This might work against mounted figures, but that's about it.
If you base the magus ill levitate your back into mortis.
With the fairly low defense on the Magus, and its lack of Stealth or MI, there are a number of figures that will be common this weak that can beat up your Magus without having to touch it. Striker, Destroyer, opponent's Wraith, etc.
This army looks like it's pretty much betting the farm on the first two clicks on that Magus. If it gets knocked out of ML, the rest of this army will be so slow against Flight-heavy armies that they could pick it apart without too much trouble.
"And thanks to the rules change on Sneak Attack, they'll get a free spin before you even get the first attack off. This might work against mounted figures, but that's about it."
so i guess you think mortis' 5 clicks are not much. sure they get a free spin, but then they take 5. it might not be 10, but its still a lot to try to suck up.
"With the fairly low defense on the Magus, and its lack of Stealth or MI, there are a number of figures that will be common this weak that can beat up your Magus without having to touch it. Striker, Destroyer, opponent's Wraith, etc."
I guess you missed the entire section of my earlier post on something called backup. if you missed it before, ill say it again. The magus and the mortis are the big guns. everything else is backup. Wraith, ***Fell Reaper, **Detonating Zombie, *Shade, Podo, are all there to get in the way, chump block, or deal some damage themselves.
"This army looks like it's pretty much betting the farm on the first two clicks on that Magus."
maybe you dont realize this, but the figures in my army can move without ML. (its the number next to the foot icon)
"If it gets knocked out of ML, the rest of this army will be so slow against Flight-heavy armies that they could pick it apart without too much trouble."
i guess the ***fell reaper wont help. or the wraith. and of course no other figure could move. at all. id be a sitting duck.
maybe its just me balduvian, but it seems you have some kind of a reason why everything i say is wrong. normally when you have an opinion why something is wrong, you should also try to say how it could be better. In your case, you are just bashing my army while making no suggestions yourself. Im not trying to go off on how rude you are being, but if this forum is about help, maybe you should try helping rather then bashing every aspect of my army.