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The Necropolis Army Design (I'll Review your army) Thread.
Here you can post All Your armies and I will Review and make tips on them I know I'm kind of new but hey I need Experience somehow. I will do any army tho I am best with NS.
Zaxan: I have been watching the progress of your ZB armies with great interest and like both your armies
For the First one I dont see the anything I would change even though I dont Like autumn because I personally dont use Healing much though to each his own.
Second one I do see that I would take Autumn out for a Techno and take out the Detonating zombie this leaves 33 points to work with now with that you could get a * Bond maker to make those skellies more mobile but you dont have to do this to make the army competitive.
The Verdict
1: 4.5 but I dont see anything I would change
2: 4.0
Ok thanks. I am glad that someone has been watching my progress, I feel special! :)
Now as for the armies, I like healing as it has saved me a couple of times. I also don't care to move the Skeletons in formation as they are just goin to be broken up and then the Bond Maker is made useless. Also I am very interested in what Minions will bring, the Stalking and Shadow Skeletons and the Darkwing Zombie. We'll just have to wait and see.
this is a 2 hundred point army i plan on playing in a tourney this weekend it doesnt look very sturdy ar first glance but when you take a nice look at the figures and actually see the potential of every one you will see why this army is so good
Well first i'll say I like the army but it's a lil too unique heavy so I'll make some sugggestions:
Take out The Chaos mage for a *** Fell Reaper this will add imense versatility to your army with The Reapers 14 speed and 4 damage. Second Take out the Mistress for a Weak shaman to enhance the Huntress with.
Kaos Zealot- Would you mind if I also put in my imput on some of these armies? I was just wondering and wanted to ask as this is your review thread and not mine. Let me know thanks.
Pikeman hangs around the Medic to prevent it from being based,the boomers and the yellow golem makes shooting formations against anything that moves and the big bad 69 pointer eats ugly KI rebels.
He is running a KI army with light cavaliers * and ***,Blademaster *** and Willow Nock and his longbow friends.Luckily,no swarms.
298 points. The mounted figures do their thing, both Chargers running close together if possible. The Priest bases figs in trouble to Defend them, or heals. I only wish I could fit a Rammer in here.
297 points. I don't have a Podo, so those points are really areas for improvement. The army has 4 chargers, 3 harassers, and a healer/necromancer.
And even though it ain't Necro, nobody wants to reply to my post:
The Ram
Atlantean Ram
Water Minion
198 points. The Minion has Dodge and Sweep, a great combination for a passenger. I like the Ram better than the Chariot, since the ability is so much more fun then Quickness (though it can't move as far, a big ranged figure may eat this alive.)
Deadman: I like the army It is interesting I'm not gonna change anything about it Because I like how you have this made. I would however make one tip use the Steamies in front Because the toughness is going to limit the Longbow Archer's Efectivness.
The Verdict: 4.0
Bone Toss: I like reapers Better but to each his own I wont mess with this Because I can see these are what you like and Bone Toss IMO is a Cuztomizable strategy.
The Verdict: 4.5
The Calvary: Good Good Good but be Careful of Sneak attackers they may be more comon with the Soul Takers or whatever from minions.
The Verdict: 3.75
Nice army! I would keep it how it is.
The Vedict: 4.75
The Ram: Ahh... Chariot I personally dont like the Water in a Chariot I prefer Oren I suggestion I will make is lvl. 3 oren Same stats w/o dodge but for 43 points less than minion and you can add a *** Nightmare Reaper if you do that.
Strategy= Yes I know that I could downgrade the Imp to (**) and upgrade the Krugg to (***), or switch the Fell for a Nightmare and upgrade the Krugg, but sadly I do not have a (***) version, maybe I will end up buying one.
Now I believe that this army has major potential as I have a healer, MLer, Yo-Yo figure, ML/Ram, and harrassment. I can Yo-Yo the Scorpem if needed, against a Chariot probably. I have a Rammer for Corpheus, counter harrassment in the Fell, who actually could be changed for Rax Lv.1 which I think would go very well with the Tormentor. I can also ML the Tormentor behind enemy line to cause havoc. So with so many threats and possibilities I think that this army has great potential.
eourgh: Sorry i missed your army (oops) I like it I love Reapers as I said before they are the Most versatile pieces NS has.
The Verdict: 4.5
ArcaneDraco: I'm not quite sure what you doing with the Nightwitches but... Here goes. Downgrade the Nightwitches and the Techno to * thats 48 points now add a nightmare and a imp.
Zaxan: Yes you can post help here as I am still learning I wouldnt mind. Onto the Torment I'm liking what I see A very Versatile army with yo/yo and ML/RAM I wou'ldnt use Rax but that's me.