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as terain take two round towers, and if it is possible place them 14" away from eachother, not too far from your startingarea. the basic id about this is that one levatator is placed behind the left tower and the other behind the right tower. the drac. can bound from behind one tower and be levatated behind the other. that way no technomancer has too push. the rammer can also be levatated.
battling a Ost army.
the drac. has surperior range, that meens the it is always the first too shoot. than it can be levitated back so retatiating is not possible. 13 attack and piece means a 4 to hit, if u can`t roll a 4 mageknight isn`t the game for you. 5 clicks for a host leads to 10 attack, 4 damage and 16" range (move and shoot). the host can now shoot at whatever is near enought (mayby the technomancer), rest or retreat. in aether case it is gone.
beside the host
a lost, use the lm/ hatchetkrugg as harassment. the finish one ost (within the given time, that is always an importend thing too keep in mind)
battling a striker, hatchetkrugg *, light cav **, faith healer**
again the drac. has the first shot. one of the problems against this army is that under threat of two targets, u have too choose one and be shot/ rammed by the other. but the levation/ bound makes sure that you are far enouch away from danger after the bound-attack from the drac. make sure you never have to push, that might be fatal for the amazon drac. so if u are threaten in one turn, have shot the threat away and got levated too a safe spot, the hathetkrugg is nearby too `harass` the threat that, otherwise had made u push the drac.
make sure healing any damaged fig. with the faith healer is not an option. this could be done with the rammer or a (pushed) technomancer.
battling a pyre spirit, athene, technomancer, faith healer
leave the drac. in the starting area until the hatchetkrugg aether is rammed or has rammed the technomancer. that way the drac. can`t be rammed.
a chariot an LI (I have ram) should be a problem.
I haven`t got a strategy against the corpheus, jet. If someone can help me out on this one please do.
also I like to hear other armys that can defeat mine, or ids on how to upgrade this army.
200 points, In 200 point games I really like 1 levitator this levitator also has healing which is helpful vs. corpheus. I personally like the War Impaler because he has the 10" range if needed. The mancatcher is just really good in 200 point games, she must be dealt with quickly which takes 1 action away from the opposing army and if she is Ignored well she is really good at capturing figures. your army looks solid, I just feel naked without a mancatcher.
you are right about the autumn, I do need a healer. I didnt wanted to sac. a technomancer for it, so the autumn is a perfect match. and if you say (I would have figured it out myself, but the corpheus has been release in holland for only one week now :mad: ) I need a healer in a battle against corpheus, I sould take that advice.
the id about the two levatators was that the drac. can be levatated for the one to the other. that way my opponent wouldent be able to keep up with the speed of swiching sides (for left to right and back). anyway the corpheus runed that strategy. at first it worked quite well.
the range and toughtness in the first click of the imaler can be an advantage. but the impaler has too many disadvantages, its pointvalue (44), its attackvalue (9) and maybe its damagevalue (3) but thats average for a non-unique range fig. as a rammer I prefere the hachetkrugg (wandering mochooch) the oombafoo has a too high pointvalue for my army.
I really like your army, maybe I should try a Rammer without range to save on points, and they are a lot tougher, but In so many situations my opponent will move right into my 10" range and then I can pop them, some people forget that a war Impaler even exists. But I think that if I did own a machooch I would defineately play your army with its new build as you have plenty of actions, also expect a lot of mirror matches and prepare to play vs. another amazon drac. this match is very hard for me because I don't know which opening I would use vs. the amazon, I think my first move is move techno 10" then move rammer b2b with techno, that is providing that neither one of these figures is in bound or ram range, both armys can theoretically ram at 20" and bound 18". I would like to see some more Ideas.
Thanks Anito you are correct, I have been playing this army a lot and I allways seem to push autumnEarly in the game, that extra slot of lev/healing would be nice.
you might want to leave out that second imp and just upgrade to level 3.. reasoning? that way if someone sends over a ram figure you can still push to ML that figure away and still have ML.
A level 2 Autumn is enough. Spending too much point in a figure who has a double purpose might hurt the whole army. If that's the case I would just separate the duty to two different warrior.