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You could tell from first issue that she was from Chucks clan! No mysteries with a face and head like that. For the first couple of pages I thought it was Chuck. I still can't belive what they did te beast. I Guess they had to replace their lost power house Colossus." Hey lets not replace him lets Mutate Hank and make him a power house." Dumb.
I don't want to turn this into a Colussus thread, but it still ticks me off that they killed him off. I know it creates quite a buzz when you kill off a major character, but was this really necessary?
Fixer of the Thunderbolts clan aka Bob
"Common sense is not so common" ~ Voltaire
Matt: yeah, that's what I was thinking..."Oh hell, Chuck's gone nuts again, gonna kill everyone!" Eh, the Beast thing I can live with, at least they didn't dumb him down like they did in Mutant X, making him hugely strong, but with the intelligence of a child. If he didn't still have his intellect, I don't think he would have stuck around.
I'm liking them having Juggy on the team, by the way. The scene with him asking Chuck to join was great!
In this months Wizard ish, they show the ENTIRE issue of New X-Men #151. I won't spoil too much, but geuss who's back? That's right, Bad news cassie herself. But she's called Cassandra Nova-Xavier. The story takes place 150 years in the future, so I have no idea how she's lived that long.
My prediction: That young mutant girl, Ernst, looks alot like a young Cassandra Nova. Ernst is always carrying the mutant brain 'Martha' around with her. In a preview pic I saw, Cassandra Nova is holding 'Martha.'
I agree, but another tale still holds worst plot device ever and probably will.
Years ago DC ran a storyline called Millenium (full company crossover). The premise was that at least one member of the cast of every title was a Manhunter sleeper agent waiting to betray and attack our heroes. Suddenly characters we knew for years were flushed down the toilet for a gimmick. That was the worst!
As for Cassandra Nova, I've been keeping up with the books somewhat, but haven't been able to read them directly, so I don't know much about the character, save 1 TPB.
E is for Extinction.
I have to say that it is/was one of the worst stories I've read in the longest time (and that includes the Spider-Clone Saga). The art wasn't any good, and Cassandra was one of the most predictable characters ever. And I dispise the whole "second mutation" pantsload.
Will I still read it?
Yes, because I still want to keep up and know what's gonna happen.
Will I enjoy it?
Probably not. LOL!
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Go read CyberVenom Creations in the Dreams and Desires Forum!!
New X-Men rocked! I love Cassandra Nova!
Now killing Colossus.. urgh.. just an added insult from Scott Lobdell, one of the worst writers ever...
Here's info on Cassandra Nova Xavier:
Real Name-- Cassandra Nova Xavier
Class-- mutant/spirit being
Affiliations-- X-Men villain; alter ego of Professor X
Scale of Operations-- universe-wide
Occupation-- would-be conqueror; mass murderer
Powers-- Cassandra Nova has exhibited a vast array of phenomenal mental powers as the genetic twin of the mutant Charles Xavier, a.k.a. Professor X. She could communicate telepathically, even to the point of controlling legions of others' minds. Similarly, she had vast telekinetic abilities. She could also bodily merge with others, absorbing their flesh. The full extent of her powers may remain unknown, but she was able to create a 30-story tall psychic creature around her own being that possessed immense physical strength and resistance to injury, capable of withstanding the rigors of space.
History-- The true nature of Cassandra Nova Xavier is unknown, and she may even represent a new form of life similar to what the alien Shi'ar people call mummudrai, the equal and opposite spirit of another. She was born as the mummudrai of Charles Xavier, the mutant who would later become the reknowned mutant researcher and mentor of the hero team X-Men. While still within the womb, Cassandra created a physical form based on Charles'. Nevertheless, Charles' nascent psychic abilities sensed her true nature as his evil alter ego and tried to kill her, causing the mother to miscarry Cassandra, who was pronounced stillborn. Even still, Cassandra existed as a mass of cells living in a sewer.
Cassandra reappeared nearly thirty years later, hoping to take revenge on Charles Xavier. She discovered in South America versions of the mutant-hunting Sentinel robots, surprisingly surviving after adapting to the primitive conditions of the jungle. Cassandra used a cousin of the Sentinel's original creator, Bolivar Trask, in order to place the Sentinels under her control, after which she killed him. She sent the Sentinels to attack the mutant-haven nation of Genosha, then led by the villain Magneto. The Sentinels destroyed the nations, killing over sixteen million mutants including, it was believed, Magneto. Cassandra also attacked and captured the X-Men members Cyclops and Wolverine, although they soon escaped. Cassandra was defeated by Wolverine, who severed her vocal cords. Cassandra's control over the Sentinels was stopped, and she was brought to the X-Men's headquarters, the Xavier Institute.
However, despite her injuries, Cassandra surreptitiously attacked the X-Men with her telepathic abilities. Before they could fully realize her true nature and threat, Cassandra made her way to the Cerebra device. She hoped to use the machine's mutant-detection abilities to kill all mutants on earth. Even though the X-Men's Emma Frost snapped Cassandra's neck in trying to stop her, it was Charles Xavier who defeated her, shooting her six times.
In fact, unknown to all, Cassandra switched her mind with Charles' moments before she was shot. With her mind in Charles' body, Cassandra publicly revealed the Xavier Institute's true nature to the world and then left Earth, ostenstibly to visit Charles' lover, Lilandra, empress of the alien Shi'ar. Within the Shi'ar Empire, Cassandra took control of the Imperial Fleet and destroyed most of the empire. Lilandra fled to Earth to warn the X-Men, and Cassandra returned to Earth as well, constructing a psychic monster around herself that seemed composed of the all the beings she had ever absorbed or controlled.
Cassandra again tried to use the Cerebra device, hoping to add to her psychic construct with the minds of all mutants. However, once the X-Men discovered Cassandra's deception, they placed Charles' mind inside Cerebra, which allowed him to once again gain control over his body, forcing Cassandra out. Cassandra tried to return to her former body, but the X-Men tricked her into entering the body of the Shi'ar alien shape shifter known as Stuff.
Cassandra remains trapped inside Stuff with her mind wiped clean. She is being reeducated by mental simulcra of Charles Xavier and his protégé, Phoenix.
And it does seem that Ernst is Cassie Nova... kind of ironic - it shows that she may add to the undoing of current drugged up Magneto's mad takeover of Manhattan! After all, she sent Uber-Sentinels to wipe out New Genosha...
Millenium was a full company crossover mini-series that came out the year after Crisis. It was bad in spite of the talent involved who usually turn in good work.
I couldn't tell you who all the sleeper agents were, but they realy ruined the last two issues of Booster Gold by turning his agent into a Manhunter, and having him destroy Booster's life and career, and supporting cast.
For some odd reason, The Guardians and some other race were supposed to join and move on to another level of existence. The Manhunters were trying to stop this by attacking Earth's heroes? What? Why? Who but Green Lantern has anyhing to do with The Guardians? It was just silly.
Millenium was like Secret Wars II. Everyone likes to just forget it ever happened. LOL!
Worst X-Plot device still goes to early X-Factor days. Beast gets zapped and the more he used his physical abilities, the more stupid he became. Fighting would lower his IQ. Ithink you would have to agree that was worse.
See stuff like this is what made me cancel my subscription and jump ship over to DC [Where JSA more than makes up for the loss of X-Men].X-men stabbed itself in the eyes back the second Cyclops became a leather clad psychotic murder but it was allright because he was sooooooo cool [it might be a 2ndary mutation]