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Well, this army isnt completely new, more of a combination of Jade Spider's "Black Hole" and Borg's "Stalker Toss" It seems like it has some potential.
The Shadow formation covers the bone toss part of the army moves up into postition. Then depending on the threat, the two ML'ers fling Shadows, Stalking Skeletons, or the Detonationg Zombie into postion to smash something up on the next turn. On that same turn the shadows move into postion to charge.
looks nice - but honestly you will likely have a lot of trouble actually hitting figures in 300 points. anyfigure with 19 defense will pose a huge problem as almost all of your figures have attacks of under 10 and you'd be hardpressed to get a formation attack in.
I'd take out 2 of the shadows and the bondmaker, maybe the imp also and put in something with some beef... heck even a formation of blade golems hanging out with the techno would cost about the same price and would give you 3 strong attackers that can actually threaten a figure.
nope 19 defense isn't all that common but you still should prepare for it. Pyre spirit and EGM's do see use allong with a lot of 18 defense figs (Striker, Corpheus, etc)
The army is currently very action intensive with not much punch. Also rammers and opposing charge figures used defensively would cause a lot of trouble. I dont think blade golems are the answer, I believe he was just mentioning them as an example.
With proper playing 1-2 shadows should be enough LI to block LOS as long as you threaten with ML'ed skeletons to keep them at a distance. This would give you some more points to add for offense.
BSHUGG is correct. 19 defense figures aren't super common - but you are likely to see EGM, Spirit, Eldrich fielded against you in 300 points. Also, the Blade golems might not be the perfect answer - but 3 of them costs the same points as 2 shadows + imp + bond maker.. another figure that I would personally think would be better would be a pair of blue Minnow Warriors ... Ram, Toughness, 11 attack.
Di@blo: yup, i know about it. In my first post i gave credit to all parties who inspired this. also, the versions i had before i posted were alot different.
IF i drop the tough and standard shadows, hte imp, and downgrade the Robber to weak i have 85 points.
Then i add in 2 ** Mino Warriors, and upgrade a stalking skeleton to Marrow.