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The original plan was to go in and destory some figures with the AG formation (i wish i had another gunner). Have the krugg do his own thing. Put the phooka's togther to do 3 damage, and the crypt worm is pushed and attacks.... bad i suppose
Also i was thinking of replacin the Worm with a Brass Commander***43 same point valuve.
with the figs u had posted orcbutcher made a very nice army. if your friends army stayed more or less the same i think u should be able 2 beat him at least half the time. the spirits 19 def is really hard to hit and with the exception of his Living Elemental *** (which i think has toughness) his figs will be taking free clicks alot. play him and let us know how it gos
My friend got mad since he had no one to play thus, i played him. and beat him. My rolls were horrendous even (took about 6 turns to heal Pyre) but i got the job done,
The AG formation funneled the blade, sucker, and elemental to them, and I destroyed the elemental and blade (not before they killed my Krugg and damaged the pyre spirit),i healer pyre. i moved my pyre into his necro, he managed to revive the Blade to almost full health and the spirit he rolled a 5 before i got there . I moved in first killed the Grave Robber, he then based his Elemental (minus toughness) and his Golem neither of them ever hit me, i venomed them to death. His bloodsucker and rivven beat my Utem and ESA down (bad rolls on my part) but i managed to inflict a serious amount of damage to them, eventually my pyre killed everything but the Rivven and Bloodsucker and BPB. They killed my healer and gobby, all i have left is a full health Pyre Spirit and the Gunner, the gunner takes out the BPB (which did nothing the entire game) and the pyre moved in and eliminated the allready injurded Rivven and Sucker.
I really liked this army, i had excellent terrain advantage. He played it... not perfect, he could have flanked me with his Sucker and done more damage. It was a good battle brought my heart back to Mage Knight, we'll see how it goes from here
my friend can't drive and he wants to buy another booster, So we are going to the shop tommorow and i'll prolly buy the Standard Technomancer $2.00, but worth it. Replace him with the Krugg?