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Well here we go today is my first day on MKrealms and I think I will give an army a shot...
Sect Executioner 71
Red Nightmare Reaper 39
Amazon Draconum 108
that leaves 82 points... now I dont know if this is legal but it looks like in the Way Magic Levitation is worded that I can bound forward then levitate back is this true? if so then I will add my * Technomancer then have 57 points that I would like some tips with that to put in it.
that leaves 48 points left so go with a good rammer such as WHK or War Impaler and with whatever points you have left pick a harasser preferably shades.
Also you mean Red Fell Reaper night mare reapers are more expensive.
actually, a ***Nightmare Reaper is only 42pts, while the ***Fell Reaper is 43pts. i believe that in the * and ** ranks, the Nightmare is more expensive than the Fell. however, since the ***Fell has 4 damage on the first slot, it makes it more expensive than the Nightmare.
i don't know much about the Sect Executioner. from what i've heard, it was a disappointment. i''l have to check it out first though.
i also agree with TalinXT, level 2 Autumn is much better. :)
for those 54 point u could use a ***whkand a shade or sumthing for harrasment and maaybe u should try 2 make a formation out of your neco figs 2 conserve actions but that uis just my thought u do what u think your army could do best with out of what you have and let me know if your army worked out