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The new cursed hag LE Wolf Witch has the strange although useful combo of shockwave and magic freeze. My question is how does toughness effect such a combo? Do the shockwave and magic freeze count as seperate attacks (thus doing no damage to a figure with toughness) or do they count as a single attack and do 1 damage to a figure with toughness? (One damage from each ability minus one due to toughness) This is the first time we have ever come across this combo and I think this will be the deciding factor on weather it's a great combo or another useless gimmick.
Originally posted by triggerhappy The new cursed hag LE Wolf Witch has the strange although useful combo of shockwave and magic freeze. My question is how does toughness effect such a combo?
Hey, hey, one thing at a time. Let's find out whether they do indeed work as a combo :) The balls still in the air for that one.
I believe it ignores ALL SA's Chronosphere, which is why tyhere was so much controversy over the Shockwave/Aquatic issue, which changed the rules to: Shockwave ignores all SA's except for Aquatic. This way, a Shockwave can hit a figure with Stealth, but won't turn off Aquatic, which would drown the unit.
Will shockwave turn off the owner's SA's too? If it doesn't, then it should be able to be used in conjunction with Freeze, confusion, etc, shouldn't it?
Again, SW doesn't "turn off" SAs. A Shockwave attack is resolved "as if the target figure(s) have no SAs." It's still not determined (no official response yet) that you can or cannot use these two (SW and MF) in conjunction, or how they work if they do.