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Corpheus is a pretty powerful fig. However I dont see many people posting armies using him. I think its because too many people shy away from his high price tag, combined with inability to be ML'ed.
For quite a while I have felt that a well made Corpheus army could really tear apart the tournament scene. Most of the ones I have seen just dont have enough power to really duke it out with all the offense that you can expect in 300 pt games. Myself and another realmer (Wkura) have been messing around with some ideas on using him and this is what I have come up with:
War hatchet krugg***
War impailer***
Autumn lvl 2
Hvy Lancer*/cavalier*
297 points total. This leaves 3 points free to do one of 4 things:
upgrade hatchet krugg to Wandering Mochooch
Upgrade Hvy lancer* to Elrooden Lightfoot
Upgrade mancatcher* to Mancatcher**
Toss in a podo
I choose not to list it in the army because it allows players to pick and choose what they want to use based on what they have. My version would use either mochooch or Elrooden, but the others work just as well if your lacking them.
The army has really nice synergy in its design. Corpheus is heavily protected from opposing rammers/ flung stuff, by the charger and rammers. Autumn can be shielded from opposing ML/ram by moving her with the 2 rammers and the mancatcher in a group.
Also the army can lead off with a very brutal attack turn by:
bounding with corpheus
ML/ramming the biggest threat and leave the rammers base to that Corpheus is mostly sheilded from opposing threats.
moving the mancatcher up to further shield corpheus.
Since I think the key to winning with corpheus is to shoot with him as much as possible yet never let him get hit ever, this design plays into that very nicely.
It looks nice but I dont like the idea of two rammers, only one MLer, and a healer that has other duties. Autumn is going to be really stressed with having to fling two rammers and the mancather, plus heal corphy if/when he comes limping back. But I dont think my opinions that great since I like to play x2 MLers when I play with ML/Ram. So if I ever get the War Impaler or a * Heavy Lancer/Cavalier, I'll try it out.
I like 2 levitators as well, but the problem is Corpheus is such a point hog. THis army is not a ML/ram army but a corpheus army. Dropping the second rammer for levition/utility isnt worth it, nor is swapping it for another charger. Its not enough points to fit a decent bounder so the rammer is the best choice. Plus 2 rammers really puts a hurt on a lot of army styles especially some of the more dominant ones right now like Big Bound and groups of KI mounted, and Amazon drac based armies.
Healing is only an after thought. The goal is to not get corpheus hurt at all, and the rammers and charger will be so far extended when fighting hits that their is no easy way to make it back to a healer of anykind unless your running something like an EGM.
I don't want to be one of those guys that responds to a thread by posting his own army, but I just can't resist right now.
This is the army I won a case with:
*** Light Cav
*** Heavy Lancer
*** War Hatchetkrugg
Autumn lvl 1
* Skeleton
With the new LI figures it could get a lot better. For instance, you could downgrade the cav to ** (same first click) to turn the skeleton into a ** crystal protector, which would be one obvious improvement.
I would suggest 2 chargers over 2 rammers. It increases your chances against ML/Ram greatly, without dramatically decreasing your odds against any particular armies. The easiest way to do that with your army is to switch the *** War Impaler for a horny krugg.
Its a 3 way attack: first goes Corphy, than the chargers and the rivvenguards are the finishers. Autumn can fling harasment before Corpheus to block LOS and is the healer.
how does this beat pure ML/ram. What you are going to find is a ram warrior pegging autumn right in the back, then next turn another ram warrior flys in after you have (most likely) dispatched the first with your charger? And unlike previously, just capturing the rammer for a huge point swing is not going to work...*ram warriors are just too cheap.
I like the idea of the army-bound with corpheus then ram but....
I think you would do much better to supplement corpheus with *ram warriors rather than mounted ones... I see the ram engine as a supplement to corpheus and not a competiting strategy. If you wanted some more like, you could try ***ram warriors. But anything to free up some points in order to shore up the weaknesses (a second MLer would really shore things up vs alot of archetypes in 300, and IMO, be quite beneficial).
you can move with the autumn completely protected from rammers by cupping her with 2 mounteds and the mancatcher.
I like ram warriors but I think they suck hard in an offensive ram army unless as a 3rd or 4th rammer. Just flinging them around is going to accomplish nothing except losing points. They only really shine as a defensive rammer (for when chargers or skeletons or something are close to you) or for removing key special abilities from things. If you have the points you want to play with the more durable mounted rammers. Cutting one for the same number of points of ram warriors is a losing deal.
With the sturdyness of the two heavy rammers removing key abilities is not thier main job. They are extra offense and keeps the opponent busy. Ram warriors just cant fill in the same way. I want to set up situations where the only way they can get at Corpheus is by going through my rammers or breaking their army up. with 2 rammers, the charger and the man catcher all working together with autumn, they will have very little chance to get at corpheus, unless running heavy ML/ram or rolls go very badly for me. Thats all you can really ask for from a competitive tournament army.
Right now the 300 pt format is pretty lame at the ultra competitive level. The army that engages usually loses because so many builds use heavy blocking terrain, LI blockers and fast movement to run and hide and snipe. Also with things like GFD's being impossible to take down in 50 minutes, Im looking to build something that CAN go offensive and CAN win. Otherwise we are left with dancing around the whole game and going to a roll off. This is why Im such a big fan of 200 pts. 90% of the broken stuff goes away or is really bad in 200 pts.
Corpheus 128
Shadow** 36
Heavy Lancer*** 51
War Hatchetkrugg* 36
Ram Warrior** 15
Autumn(L2) 34
Terrain I suspect would include some blocking and perhaps either shallow water or small bits of hindering, but then again, I was not one to be very skilled at terrain selection.
MrDwarf: I really like both your builds, your first one is similar in style to what Wkura designed (more chargers, less ML/ram) but doesnt contain as much fragile KI mounteds as his design. I see that as a benifit in my eyes. Im not 100% confortable with fragile KI mounteds.
The second contains a tactic I invisioned when Minions came out but had forgotten about. The fact that you can bound up corpheus, and then move the shadow in front is a great tactic against ranged armies. combining it with another hvy charger and ML/ram makes it even cooler in my eyes. I think both builds you posted are solid enough for me to warrent testing with.
The only problem I see with both is that it would be almost impossible to advance vrs a ML/ram army and still keep autumn protected. Thats why I included the mancatcher in my original design. 2 mounteds and the mancatcher can move with her and protect her from being based. I will mess around with the points and try to fit one in.
thanks for the great ideas guys! Im thinking Corpheus may start being as scary as people originally thought he was when he was released.
of course *ram warriors are not the sole ramming figs. What is going to happen is you are going to get a ram warrior flinged at you that you are going to have to respond to. Then you are going to get a heavy rammer thrown at you like a pyre spirit or tough krugg with your army already disrupted.
A pushed corpheus rammed by a tough krugg or pyre spirit is a dead one.
As for cupping autumn.... as soon as you use ML, it is going to be removed. You make an opening by mling something, autumn gets rammed and has an action token (and another fig probably got rammed as well).
IMO, all your chargers that are meant to protect corpheus will have to protect autumn if you want to keep ML and healing, thus leaving corphues a sitting duck.
Corpheus, IMO, is just too glass-jawed to be run in a format dominated by ML/Ram and other long range nasties (like dragons).
1) Ram Warrior vs a Mounted rammer: You have a larger ml range with a mount then a ram warrior. A mount is more than a ram threat and can cause damage in 3 different ways, shake off, ram, and attack. I rammer warrior is going to get smoked in no time.
2) If you are in ML range then you are in Corpheus bound range more than likely. So your ML engine is gone before it can get to autumn.
3) A flung Pyre in this case is a dead pyre. This is also in hopes that you get to corpheus before corpheus gets to you.
Now maybe were some people play 300 pts is ML/Ram dominat. For alot of us a ML/Ram is only there for a little extra help. Unless you are playing an all scorepum gunner army then ML/Ram should noit be that big of a problem to deal with.
Bshugg: I will kick some stuff around and see what I come up with.
Just some things I've learned about Corpheus in my time playing him:
Corpheus vs ML/Ram -- the most underestimated matchup EVER.
Corpheus' main weakness isn't actually ML/Ram; it's an army with multiple threats. Frankly, a well built Corpheus army can often be at its best against ML/Ram, so long as you keep a few things in mind while playing.
Most ML/Ram armies sport some sort of atlantean/techno formation, to be able to move the army as quickly as possible. When the levitators become tokened move Corpheus into bound range of the formation, and move a charger within charge range of Corpheus. If they fling a krugg -- capture it with the charger. If they fling a ram warrior, you move/ML a krugg into it with autumn. If they fling a Pyre, you move/ML a krugg into it then attack with Corpheus (assuming Corphy can hit a 6, the spirit should be wrecked). Whatever their response is, if they want to go on the offensive, they have to push the technos. The best part is that Corpheus' bound range is so huge, that they will likely be unable to simply move a blocker in front of the techno formation.
Also, keep in mind that when playing Corpheus you must have chargers! In my opinion, a charger is Corpheus' best friend. Two chargers are even better. Three is probably pushing it, but hey, do whatever feels good :) . I prefer two chargers in my Corpheus play for two reasons:
--First, it would suck to miss the 6-7 needed to capture a krugg and be unable to try again.
--Secondly, it's nice to have one charger that can capture small things (imps, shades, mancatchers, whatever) to give corpheus a massive LI wall that can move with one action, while keeping a second charger around for the actual "bodyguard" stuff.
While I like 2, this army is obviously more focused on fighting opposing ranged armies than ML/Ram, so the rammers may actually fit that gameplan better. Until it's tested nobody can really say.