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For thosse of you who don't know, a meat grinder is an army that uses MC and ML to move opposing figures into base (preferably with their rear arcs) with your bigger, or more annoying figures. Think of it as a reverse bone-toss. For example, in this army I can MC or ML an opposing figure into one or more PA figures so that I don't have to wait for him to mozzy on up into base contact himself.
Well here's the army:
The Grinder -
Splinter LE 38
Thorn Maiden ** 30
Thorn Maiden ** 30
Jackal Guardian U 50
The Channerlers -
Revenant Priest U 93
Zomber Baron U 82
Possessing Spirit U 60
The other misc. stuff -
Marrow LE 28 (LOS blocker, mini grinder, bodyguard)
Shaman Og lvl 5 (Bodyguard, healer)
Grave Robber* 14 (in case Marrow or ZB dies)
Imp *** 8
So anyway, the Possessing spirit channels the tougher ranged formations into the variouse grinders, since he can't be shot at, while the Priest goes after melee formations, chargers, and stuff that doesn't out range him. The Baron shoots stuff and ML things that come into base contact (either because my oppnent moved him into base, or I MC/ML it in to base) into the Grinder. If the Spirit is based, it breaks on a 2+, if the Preist or baron is based, they ML.
Shaman Og hangs out around the Preist and/or the Baron and acts as a bodyguard/healer, and Marrow hangs out with the Spirit. Meanwhile the Grinder makes it's way up the field and positions itself (maybe in hindering terrain so that the opponent can't run too far away if he breaks, and so I get a defense bonus).
All in all I am not too sure how well this army would do, but I think it could hold up pretty well against most anything.
If I fight high Defense/Toughness I'll just pound on them with the Preist and the Baron until everyone is nice and vulnerable to the variouse grinders and whatnot.
Tell me what you think of it, and feel free to pick it apart and tell me I'm a moron. I'll be hear to shoot down any of your doubts.
I think that the Possessing Spirit is a waste for your army. If he is shooting range, the opposing figure can base you. Chargers of ANY kind would rip him apart. Marrow would have to base the opposing figure to protect the Spirit, then would get smack on your opponents turn.
Also, Marrow would be better defending the Revenant Priest, since the priest does not have LI.
Another thing, Shaman Og can help the Zombie Baron much. The Zombie Baron is only going to be attack by close combat, so your opponet would swarm him and you can't heal him then.
Once again VaporGecko, I am very peased by your army. But I do have some complaints on your meat grinders, why the splinter and thorn maidens? I mean, I partly understand do to pole arm and venom, but other than that, they are worthless. And where is THE meat grinder, Mortis Draconum! What I would change it to, personally.
The Grinder -
Mortis Draconum U 78
Jackal Guardian U 50
The Channerlers -
Revenant Priest U 93
Zomber Baron U 82
Possessing Spirit U 60
The other misc. stuff -
Marrow LE 28 (LOS blocker, mini grinder, bodyguard)
Shaman Og lvl 4 55 (Bodyguard, healer)
Grave Robber* 14 (in case Marrow or ZB dies)
Amazon Mancatcher*** 24
Amazon Mancatcher* 16
I downgraded Og to lvl.4 and took out the maidens and Imp but in their place I added Mortis and 2 Mancatchers. Mortis is the ultimate Grinder and you can also throw stuff at the Mancatchers for them to capture.
Wilde Chaos - I wouldn't put the Spirit anywhere near chargers/rammers, I have the Baron and the Priest to take care of those. If my opponent had no ranged formations for the spirit to monopolize on, he would take the role of secondary channeler (placed near the grinder to MC figs into it that couldn't quite reach it with only one MC or to MC stuff that broke away), and Marrow would hang out with the other two channelers.
wonka626 - If I had a Mortis, I am sure it would be in here, but since I don't, I'll have to settle with mine. My meat grinder is built to kill things over a little amount of time, more like criple then kill out right. Also, with my Meatgrinder I can double PA, venom, and if my opponent fails a break (on a push mind you) he takes another double PA *makes his evil face.*
drop the splinter for another thorn maiden. Having splinter in the middle of a thorn maiden formation is like having a printed target saying CHARGE ME in the middle of your otherwise anti-charge formation. + you get another polearm to lev your opponent into.
the rev. priest is great for this kind of army though, with both mc and ml along with good range/dammage (more confusion)
another thing, I would drop the jakal guardian for a charger, (mc/ml the target into the grinder, they take 3 polearm, then are charged for another 3-4/weapon mastery)
One thing to watch out for is mounted krugg, they all get toughness, and good movement. Maybe include an autum/mind sifters?
i like the idea, not really my style, but i can see it working really well if you know how to play it.
I really think that Og could be dropped for some charger support, and a little CP. A *** HHK and *** CP would fit in nicely, and do the backup job very well. To fill in the gap, drop the imp for a * mancatcher, does harasser better.
I too would try and get some sifters in the place of the spirit, i just dont like it that much. they have better range than the spirit, and a decent attack of 10 on the ***.
But anyway, I think I will drop Og and replace him with something else.
Also I realy would prefer to keep the Spirit, I just like how it looks, and it saves me some actions. Also I don't want to go for a Posse/Meat Grinder army, although that could be a little interesting...
If I ever have some spare time I'll build and post the new version of the army.
i also like the idea of mindsifters, they just work well. decent range (10" isnt great, but dont underestimate it) and good attack, they regenerate at the end, and while regen isnt a good ability per se, it can help in a pinch when your healer is off elsewhere. i think the positives outweigh the negatives. also, 3 or so sifters could form up and move together, they are fast, so NS' lack of FMers isnt a problem.
sorry to double post, but it wont let me edit, so ill say this in addition, the **mindsifter, for 31 points less than the spirit, has more range, more durable attack, and regen, but it sacrifices the flight and LI, and doesnt have as many clicks of MC (4 not 6) but it has more clicks of life.