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After playing the Powerhouse I there were a few things which could be improved IMO.
I cut a few figs and formations which were hardly used
and replaced them with more "effective" material.
This is the Conquest army I will be playing next,
and REALLY looking forward to it. :)
Iron Rain Hill Giant -436
Heavy Orc Stonethrower -114
Heavy Orc Stonethrower -114
Heavy Orc Stonethrower -114
Emerald Glade Mystery -68
anyway, great army. personally, I tried fell reapers in some 1600 conquest games, but they seemed to be ineffective---too many ranged units in opponents armies. How do you play them?
This army really looks interresting and efficient, but I wonder if going with a Dragon, a Hill Giant, AND 3 Heavy Stonethrowers are really that necessary. I mean, these are great Titans/MDF's hate pieces, but to me, it looks like overkill; unless everyone in your area plays lots, and I mean LOTS of Titants/MDF's.
However, the interresting twist on this comes from the use of a chariot. Usually, I would advise not to use a chariot in Conquest, but with some many "big figs", opposing Stonethrowers will most likely have other stuff to deal with, leaving your chariot free to bring death and carnage unto opposing forces.
The only real weakness I would be worried about is Command. Your army is action efficient (unless you start using your chargers), but later on in the game, when you're gonna start splitting formations (because you WILL), you're probably gonna end up getting hurt because you needed one more action on that turn or 2 on the other.
The Yound Dragon also looks pretty a little weak in Conquest. He is a great piece on it's own right, but if you're expecting lots of titans/Tanks/Dragons, you're probably gonna see a lot of Long ranged attacks (not mentionning Long Range/Indirect attacks) which can easily hurt a young dragon and severely cripple it's efficiency. In this regard, Stonethrowers are going to look really threatening to the Dragon. Maybe you could try switching the young Dragon and a * Shade for a Solonavi Creator and a ** Brass Commander (or a * Brassie and use the 9 leftover points to upgrade soemthing, a shadow, and a Shade perhaps) This way, you get a really good ranged attack piece, some extra commands and healing which could probably help you out a whole lot.
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