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How'd this army fare in today's metagame?
I brought my ole charge/swarm/bound/no idea
whatsoever army back to life. Would it still
pose a threat? I mean, the formation is
weakened because of Corpheus, but aren't all
formations weakened?
I think the lack of a healer and the lack of a attack higher than 10 would be problamatic in some match ups. You don't always need a healer but when forced into a war of attrition its a definite disadvantage.
It still would be pretty competitive though. Bounders and chargers are as strong as ever in todays environment. Its a flexible design also which would allow you to modify it pretty easily.
Overall, a good army. Not sure it will last against some of the contemporary uber uniques and army designs, but will cause problems. Like bshugg says, the lack of a healer is a significant disadvantage. This limits your ability to be extremely agreesive especially if you want to push. Low attack values will make it hard to crack some of the tougher defenses (will need to use shake-off damage.)
Bottomline, it's good to see the old school figures still getting a workout.
to sneak in a healer, downgrade the entire KI formation by one rank each except the lancer. then either change the sislith to scorpem or fell to weak. that would bring 13 points free giving you a weak crystal protector. or swith both of them to get a standard crystal protector.
i know its a lot of downgrades but if you want a healer in there, that's the way i figure without changing it too much.