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I just traded for a Wind Minion and I really like it, but i can't think of any great ideas for a good solid 200pter for him. I want to have him guarded well too. If you have any ideas, post!
Wind Minion doesn't need too much guarding since he has a 19 def with LI. Hes good with Technomancers to ML him into play then Shockwave. Or you could add in Shaman Og to give him some nice charge/healing power!
I agree that Windy doesn't really need support. Against the Pyre Spirit, a Fell Reaper works wonders, but the Wind Minion could just also fly away only taking 1 click of damage. Shadows are an option (not against the Pyre, but in general) because they also have LI, and charge support if the Wind Minion gets based by harassers. As far as healers, I'd go with a Solo Channeler because of all the flight, probably would have to be a standard version with 10 attack because the Windy's defense is very high (19-17) for 5 out of 9 slots.