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Mage Knight January Tournament Prizes! For the month of January, the following prizes will be available for specific events. Make sure your retailer and Envoy know what events you want to participate in, so that they can schedule now! LE's may show up again in different tournament format types.
Please Note: These kits are subject to change without notice. Prize kit contents may vary depending on figure availability. While WizKids will make every attempt to ensure that every venue who signs up for the appropriate event receives the prize kit as stated, last minute changes and substitutions may occur.
Mage Knight Head to Head Bring 300 points of Mage Knight carnage and defeat all who stand before you!
Mage Knight Storyline Event - Valley of the Mits Bands of Necropolis Sect soldiers rove closer ever day to the Amazon homelands. With bands of vampires and undead on the verge of invading one of the Amazon’s most holy sites – the Valley of the Mists – the Amazons must stand and fight the Crusaders. For such foul beings to befoul one of their most holy sites is a crime against the totem gods the Amazon warriors worship – and the price for such sacrilege is death!! Click the photo to see the unit's stats!
Mage Knight Storyline Event - Valley of the Mits Warriors loyal to the Dark Crusaders continue to pour across the Roa Kaiten into Atlantean territory. No longer satisfied with mere raids, the Crusaders now begin to attack the larger towns and cities in the client-state of Duncastor. The Imperial Legion must stop them if they hope to preserve the Midlander territories against undead incursion. With Fairhaven having fallen to the Dark Crusaders, will the kingdom of Duncastor be the next domino to fall? Click the photo to see the unit's stats!
I'm underwhelmed by everything but the BPR LEs... and I don't collect BPR.
That Skull Golem looks nice, but man - Cursed AND Frenzy? Will it get anywhere?
Scattershot is menacing, it's close to the horridness that is MechWarrior artillery, but it's also 1/3 of your army, and I am hoping that the target # on its Bombardment pogs is something like 20 or 21.
What's the deal with none of the LEs we've seen so far - 3 months worth plus the Marquee - having subfaction affiliations? Hopefully we'll see that before too long.
Scattershot is nasty.
With a decent bow relic that still allows bombardment this guy could still hit a 20 pog without to much of a sweat.
I like the Magus guy, finally a decent atlantean unique to equip a sword relic with. Might be too many points though.Priest Sydin is a great support fig, hex and leadership.Golem killer has a 12 inch range with pierce.
not bad considering relics as well.
no wait a sec...
Scattershot and Magestone shield.
12 attack,20 defense. only 5 movement but... meh.
135 points but its kind of worth it if you think about it. He's most likely going to hit whatever even if the pog drifts its distance. the 12 attack against defense of targets is whats important.
You're saying Volkaire is not a worthy unique for a sword relic?!
Personally I consider him the worthiest of uniques for a relic, being one of the cheapest he can definitely handle himself. Just put the Galeshi sunsword on him and you basically have an invincible assassin.
OMG must get BPR LEs! They're gonna so good! And is it me or does Scattershot looks like he's a Big Meaner version of the Terminator T-800? especially with glowing red eyes.