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This is quoted from Wizard's recent list of the 100 best trade paperbacks; seems like it might be what you're looking for:
47. Thor Visionaries: Walt Simonson (Marvel softcover) Writer/artist Simonson shattered the status quo of Thor by answering taboo questions and adding more Norse mythology to the book than had ever been done before. Readers learn what happens when someone else who was worthy picked up Thor’s hammer, when Balder the Brave gets #####-slapped and when a menace far greater than any Thor’s faced unleashes his fury upon Asgard. “This stuff is just WOW,” says Jeph Loeb. “Walt breathed life into a dying franchise. The women looked sexy again, and Beta Ray Bill was added to the lore. A must-have book—the artwork itself is worth the price of admission.”
"My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes." - Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004
You know I don't have an answer to Pinballwizards question but here's a twist. In addition to his question are there any thor tpb that features both the Norse and Greek gods. Thanks all.
I'm almost positive it occurs in the mid-80s Avengers (Greek and Norse). Hercules and Thor are both on the Avengers at this time, I'm pretty sure, putting a demi-god and a god in the same book from two mythologies.
I've only ever read one Thor book. It's called Thor: Worldengine, and it's by Warren Ellis. I liked it a lot, and it's got Enchantress, cool Thor stuff, WACKY mythology theory in the Marvel U stuff, a John Constantine parody, and just a little bit of Beta Ray Bill. Not much, though. And it's a less than heroic situation for the robo-norse-horse.