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I have 2 armies here that I wanna try out.... I need some educated opinions on it.... I don't wanna hear the statements that have been said a zillion times like "beware of Storm Gale!!"
Army #1
Drakor - 110
w/ Fireshield - 21
Boneshard - 46
w/ Decapitator - 31
Sauria - 28
Werewolf** - 28
Marrow - 28
Imp** - 6
Total - 298
Army #2
Drakor - 110
Kyma - 29
w/ Snow's Fuser Rifle - 46
Sauria - 28
Werewolf** - 28
Marrow - 28
I have 31 points left over.... I was considering putting Decapitator or Fireshield on Drakor.... any suggestions?
Note: Whichever army I decide on... after the release of Dark Riders.... i'll be replacing the Werewolf** with Vitrus
Bottom line... I wanna use Drakor and Sauria... period
I played th Boneshard already and I have to admit. Heīs awesome! I personally prefer him with a priest sydin for leadership and hex, but thatīs me. This combos great with the decap too, so try it sometime maybe. :) I would definitely go with the first.
You can still adjust towards your meta by changing the Marrow into another wolf. I personally would only play him if you can await some techunīs or else he will not come to ful potential.
The reason i'm going with Marrow over another Wolf is because Wolves will be banned soon and I don't wanna get too used to him. I should just replace the Wolf I am using for Vitrus.
Yes. I see your point. But I would not recommend replacing the one you already have with a fragile autodamage wonder. :) As long as you may use wolfes Iīd suggest using them :) At least I would not use a fragile figure as Virtrus beneath one like Marrow. Itīs your choice, but I think you need someone who can take it and dish it out, as Boneshard will be in front to battle, and Drakor very likely too.
The thing about Vitrus.... sure... hes only 3 slots.... but I can DT him into battle.... next turn... push to Ram you... Vitrus dies... Summon brings him back... repeat
Yet... he could be taken out earlier by an attack.... yet then you'll suffer a click from Retaliation. And by having 3 slots... hes still good for cheap autodamage. I could use Ram Warriors....
Stick with vitrus, lol. Also, boneshard is best IMO with either galeshi sunsword or souldrinker. Maybe a bit too costly for you, but it works. Trust me.
1 thing I noticed is that Fireshield really onlt works well on :mi: units like Caldera or Orien II since they get the bonus w/o the negative. And Boneshard is nasty with the Sunsword, not being able to be shot + the terrify makes him a rather nasty little monster...sort of liek Death and Death's Horse combo.....
i use the ZC and the OW to stop ranged attackers and to catch the middle objective, the blood shaman to heal ou force re-rolls and the crusader priest to put the ZC and the V sk back in play. the V sk are for defending the crusader from a distance where i can get them to force the ranged attackers to close range.
Thats the thing.... Kyma is great because shes so cheap. By herself... shes got a 9 ranged attack for 2 damage.... and an 8" range. With SFR on her... it increases her ranged attack to 12... the 2 damage doesn't change and it gives her an extra 40" of range. The thing about SFR is that sometimes it reduces most figures damage.... but not Kyma. SFR is a great relic and to be able to use it so cheap is great.