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I'd suggest knocking the Duchess down to lvl.4. Now that Invul no longer protects against capture, her 14 defense just screams capture bait. Her charge movement is also rediculously slow, so I suggest player her one level lower and saving the points. The marsh zombie doesn't seem to have a really big point, but maybe you've got something you use it for. Rage paladin is a nice piece I almost think that you're going a little overboard with two Blood shamans, but I don't know how you're planning to play.
Maybe you could tell us what your strat is when you play?
I wouldn't use 2 *** Blood Shamans.... if I were you... take them both out and put in Heartdrinker (LE Blood Shaman) Hes 44pts... has the :boot: speed type instead because hes got Healing instead of Magic Healing. I like him better because 1) He can wield a relic 2) Has better overall attack values 3) With Vampirism on his Nexus... he can hold his own in combat better than any Blood Shaman. Since you have 24pts left over, you could remove Red Dutchess (highly recommended) and replace her with Khan Rava (highly recommended) because Red Dutchess has a 4" Charge with a Piercing attack.... makes little sense to me. Rava has an 8" Bound with 4 Pierce damage just as Dutchess does.... same ranged attack value.... not to mention Arcing Fire..... as well as being part of the Shadow Khans subfaction (nice subfaction). He does have lower defense.... but it helps in making him easy to heal.
-2xTough blood shaman-86
-2xWeak Zombie Centaurs-48
-1xStandard Rage Paladin-40
-1xTough dark Crusader-29
-1xRed Duchess of Kamsin-86
-1xWeak Marsh Zombie-10
I'd change the following:
-2x *** Blood shamans. Too expensive. Either Heartdrinker or a *Blood Shaman. Much more efficient.
Lower Dutchess to lv4. As stated eariler, she's much better. Check out her surging attack/damage. Not to bad for about 5-6 clicks.
-1x weak marsh zombie. Why....get a *** Gobbo and Podo..or 2x * Gobbos. imps..or the points you saved from above changes, * shades. There are much better fodder units...
This is to say, storm, that he HAS rava. :( I'd stick with Dutchess if he is a noob. She's not all to bad for a hero, though she's no darq...
-Warlord Farchyld
a tip from a veteran: a revenant fig is a MUST in every army...
also be aware of the time and when tomake your move to an objective coz it will help you win games...
I would drop one blood shaman and change the other to a * or a ** one (depending on what you have).
I would downgrade the Duchess to lvl 4 too.
I would add another Zombie Centaur (another weak one is best but any other centaur will do) - a formation of these guys can work miracles.
A revenant figure is a figure with the (DC) subfaction ability Revenant. By the way, you already have a good one - the Tough Dark Crusader. So just ignore T2's comment and never trust tips from veterans again.
You have some points left now - I would try to add a good melee fig. with high attack and a good damage value - I don't know what you have but werewolves, werebears, warbears, blade golems, Ub-Khan***, Troll Smasher,... (basically any rather cheap fig with at least 11 attack and preferably 4 damage) would all be nice.
Fill the remaining space with one or more low-cost figures to pin down enemy figures. (Shades or Goblin Volunteers are the best but many other figures are also good for this purpose. (Zombies, Woodland Scouts, Gnolls,...)
My most important tip: if you feel you absolutly need a fig or you want to try something out and you don't have it - don't hesitate to ask a veteran or a warlord to bring it to the next tournament so you can use it - this will make competing with the veterans much easier.