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They are both great relics, i havent used luckblade since its still on the way from the Phillipines here, but souldrinker is great, because trix heals to full every time he kills something, which is amazing, and luckblade, unless a lot of people in your area use solonavi, the lowest defense that wont get hit automatically by him is a 21, because 1s are 6s, and his attack would get +2 from the blade, so thats 16, and then if he rolls 2 1s, its 2 6s, so if he rolls 2 2s, then its a 20.
I've used Pain with reasonable success. I've always felt you should use Varatrix for her melee strength and think of her ranged attack as a bonus. Pain gives you sweep and psuedo-WM.
Another idea (haven't tried it YET) is to mount Dragonfly on Varatrix. This does compromise her ranged attack by 2" (but as I mentioned I think this is her secondary weapon). However, if you do make a ranged attack you now have 5 damage. Dragonfly also adds 2" to your speed and increases your attack.