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Alright, monday we're doing a 1200 point conquest game for our unrestricted tournament.
It's no domains, and is pretty much modified 1.0 conquest(3-10 formations, no demo'd, command=1 free action guranteed, etc.).
I don't think I'll be seeing a K-bow since my brother and I have agreed to not use it, and I don't think anyone else really has one or is thinking about using it. Temanor's wrath is not a problem because they still need to hit, which you will see shouldn't happen...
On with the army! It's 1200 points exactly, enjoy:
Famine Avatar 175 w/
Phoenix Lance 42
Cloak of Vipers 30
Bracers of the Giant 34
Famine Horse 125
Chroma 112 w/
Galeshi Sunsword 40
Potion of Vitality 20
High Elven Knight 81 w/
Gutripper 41
Cloak of Shadows 8
General Vale 97 w/
Spirit Armor 40
Iron Wolf 50 w/
Longhaft 22
Magestone Bracers(I need ten points to fill, so this worked) 10
**Battle Horse(EL) 45
Wylen Host Leader 78 w/
Mask of Mysteries 40
My command piece:
***Scalesworn Honorguard 38 w.
**Sky Dragon (Draconum) 72
Ok, the idea is to play hindering terrain near my opponent's starting area, hopefully two so that I can choose which side I want to go after. Then I surround WHL with everyone but the scalesworn/sky dragon, and on my first turn I'm in my opponent's starting area practically and have three actions to cause extreme havoc with all of my pathfinder/wing type/range folk.
Famine: Strictly in there for fun! Phoenix lance makes him pretty much unstoppable, especially considering how great he is with staying in the game. He's the major investment and I want to get my points worth for him!
Chroma: Perfect for taking out those pesky swarms! She's invisible, which is just how I like my Draconum! However, she's also fast and can hit very, very hard.
High Elven Knight: This guy was my favorite ever since I saw the Gate Knight previewed(Which I will trade great for if anyone has one, by the way!). Gutripper takes away any problems with low damage he has and later with his sweep it makes him incredibly deadly as I hope to roll a 1 for weapon mastery(thus taking every figure I hit instantly out of the game!) With Spirit armor his range and damage is also increased. The Cloak makes him invisible when I move him into the hindering with the WHL. He's basically an incredibly awesome elven warder.
General Vale: Ya just got to use Spirit Armor in conquest, but with his leadership and defend, he makes an excellent mobile command HQ. Speaking of leadership, he can take the token from the WHL on the first turn, allowing her to stormfire right away into big fat enemy formations!
Iron Wolf/Battle Horse: Another thing you just have to have for conquest: longhaft. I know I could be facing at least one tank and possibly dragons as well. I wanted a good reason to use iron wolf, and here it is. Him and the horse were seriously made for each other with both having toughness and counterattack. Did I mention pathfinder on it so that I could mounted charge easily that first turn to do a possible 12 clicks of damage to that dragon head? Yeah, it's neat.
Wylden Host Leader: When it struck me that I can feasibly make this harsh task force and do major damage on my first turn, I was shocked. The WHL is one amazing piece and I love it so. I predicted it would be the new Zombie Baron, only you know, for good guys before the set came out, and I'm loving it seriously. The Mask Of Mysteries doesn't get her much, but for less than a 20th of my army, it gets the rest of the job done.
Scalesworn/dragon: The perfect command piece for conquest. It's cheap, it has its own bodyguard, and it's really fast. No brass commanders for me!
The reason I made this army(besides the fact that it looks AWESOME) is because I can always remember having figures in conquest that just did not do anything for me, and were wastes of points. I know that in this army, every piece can get the job done for me. Harrassers may be a slight pain, but hey, everytime I kill one gets me more points since we're not using objectives.
The other thing is that only having seven figures will totally give me a mental edge over the competition. I have some nice relic benefits the help out more than just the wielder, while still only having seven figures. Famine's range is now 12 because of the spirit armor, as is the WHL's. The High Elven Knight benefits hugely from spirit armor with his range ability and truly makes him a swiss army knife for me.
I don't care how well the army does(ok, I prefer it to rock hard, but hey, it's a prototype!), the most important thing is that it was incredibly fun to build and I'm still feeling excited to play it!
Is this what conquest is going to be like if they ever make new official rules for it? I could see it. It's a lot easier to manage seven figures than it is 27, or 37. I don't even want to think about what I would do if I wanted to add the K-bow in, it'd be just plain ########, which is why I refuse to do it.
Just a note, its not rolling a 1 for weapon master that autoeliminates, its dealing one damage. So if they have toughness you must roll a 2, invuln a 3, etc.
Instead of the Honorgaurd/Dragon, get some Brass Commanders. You can have 3 or 4 for the price of that one honorgaurd. Also, use Zeph instead of Vale. Kill some fatty Dragon or something with him. Use the points to get Khan Rava. Other than that, this looks good.
Dude, you totally missed the point of the army didn't you?
I even specifically said "no brass commanders for me!"
Why would I possibly need more than one extra command action anyway, I only have 7 figures in my army!
I don't need rava, I don't even need that big of a range since I should end up within 8 inches of my opponents starting area.
Just because Zeph is cheaper does not mean that he makes the army build better. Vale helps me out in other capacities than just the spirit armor. The Leadership is really nice(in fact, if I need to, I can use mask of mysteries twice in a row to run away and I don't even need to push my leader since I have the leadership benefit). I wouldn't use Zeph's leadership because I would just have him die right away, so it'd be a waste. But more than that, Vale's defend along with later smite is what makes him really good in conquest.
I'm trying not to go for the easiest, cheesiest, or most played-out stuff out there: I'm trying to have a little fun!
Here's a couple of extra ides, should you really be looking for something else to play with :
Magus Tivon
** Close combat Technocat
Magesteonse Bracers
What can I say? If you're looking for something durable, you probably got the expert in self-sustenance. Mounted-Bound/Marrow allows you to heal the rider while Mounted-Charge/Thinker takes care fo the kitty.
EF Stag
Bracers of the Giant
One word : Rambulance! Really, with 14 attack, a potential of 6 damage in one mounted-charge (RAm + 2 + Impale + Bracers), you get one heck of a fighting machine... or one heck of a good healer!
Nepehria Pike
EF Sky Dragon
Rage Hammer
Bracers of the Giant
Well one word : PAIN. With a potential of 15 damage per action, it's really quite something. ((3 + Bracers + Impale) * 2 + 3 for the Dragon with charge) Yet anotehr really interresting, but overlooked part of this combo is the fact that ALL Figures ignore command and Leadership... which basically means that your opponent will highly regret using all those leadership figures as they simply become fodder.
BTW, if you plan on using MoM, you might as well try using Prince WArden on soemthign with RAge Hammer. This way, you can get soem pretty nasty Smithe attacks on your first turn...
Alright, I played with this army tonight and went 3-0, getting more and more kill points every game!
Here's a breakdown:
First Round:
I played an army that had Varatrix with Magestone armor, about 8 Zombie Centaur's, like 6 werewolves, the Drakona Myrmidon, Wraith, Pyre Spirit, and Deathspeaker Aeradon with BoL(since we outlawed Bonestaff as well as K-bow).
I was able to take out Varatrix in my first three actions: 1. Warp within four inches of varatrix into hindering terrain I placed in front of his starting area 2. Mounted Charge with Iron Wolf and a 14 attack, and 3. Mounted Charge with Famine.
It was beautiful. The rest of the match went really well. Chroma got surrounded completely by the Pyre Spirit and Zombe Centaurs, hoping to auto-damage her to death and I pushed to sweep it all for four damage, very nice. I ended up killing everything big except deathspeaker(who was the target of my spirit armor, and Vale did his best to kill him, but I just didn't have enough time.
Round two:
I faced a better-made swarm army that had a lot of big heavy guys like trolls and stuff. This time the Mountain King was the target of the Spirit Armor. He actually used his mountain king to kill vale for some me, I don't know why.
I actually ended up pulling all of my guys into base contact(except for Chroma, man she's awesome!) with the WHL and escaped losing Famine's horse as well as the High Elven Knight. At that point I had killed off about 400 points and Chroma was about to kill off a tough Troll Smasher and Scattershot in a sweep attack. After that I have over 550 points in death points, I win again!
Round Three:
I actually faced a very similiar army to mine, only this one had eight figures and War instead of Famine. Vital difference: no phoenix lance on war. He spread himself out more, him getting to go first. However, I was able to take Caldera and Drakor pretty much out of the game on my first turn, although they didn't die, they weren't a threat after that.
I switched the gutripper and the spirit armor this time and had the High Elven Warrior target War Avatar with the Armor. I pushed multiple times and he hit it with Rava once(knowing fully that it would kill his avatar...) and finally went demo'd.
With War gone it was really just a matter of time. He had Blackthorn decked out really well and she was the only one left by the end of the game. With all the heavy relic usage I only ended with about 850 points, but it was amazing nonetheless.
In Conclusion:
I don't even want to think about what would have happened if I had decided to use Kyma/K-bow/Potion of Water Breathing. I believe I could have just subbed out my Sky dragon(keeping the Scalesworn for command) and done a very easy, quick, second-turn k-bow with no damage but a pushing click to the WHL to run away after she warps out.
Mask of Mysteries destroyed everything, without exception. It's expensive for 300 point games, but imagine it with like two ***Ubkhans or surrounded by Zombie Centaurs. Heck, Use the WHL and Chroma to get a first turn charging sweep. I know Spirit Armor would be an issue, but seriously!
MC/C was huge for me as well. I always kept the Scalesworn/Sky Dragon back as backup and it always ended up flying in, usually doing killing blows to two seperate figures considering I could do three unreducable damage twice, and that's huge, much better than the beloved-Varatrix.
Ok, yes, I did have a TON of fun with my army, I only lost Chroma once, which is good cause she's one of my favorites. Iron Wolf only died once as well. Vale invariably died all three games, but he was a hoot to play, spirit armor or no, his smite was interesting.
I have no doubts now about why we don't have an official conquest set of rules, Wizkids made it impossible.
I'm curious...I've never played conquest but I question begs asking....
Speaking of leadership, he can take the token from the WHL on the first turn, allowing her to stormfire right away into big fat enemy formations!
Now I don't know about conquest, but in standard MK matches, you can not give the same unit an action twice in one turn, even if you take the token away. is this possible in conquest?
I agree with you that conquest is rapidly becoming not viable, which is a dang shame, because it was such a cool way to play with already cool figures in 1.0. It added a neat twist. Ah well. In the meantime, I guess it'll be for fun, and maybe eventually someone wil publish some conquest rules that will clean things up a bit.
Sounds like you had a blast,and thanks for the report!
Gunmix: not a problem at all, I wasn't clear enough in what I was saying. The WHL's stormfire was not used on the first turn, but rather I didn't have to worry about pushing her the second turn. Then at the same time I could happily push Vale since he both gets better into his dial and I don't care if he dies. Hopes that clears it up!
dfaz: Yes, I wish more people would hold conquest for their unrestricted, I think if we got a big enough player base for it we could easily hammer out some rules.
Only one thing I dont often talks about getting near the opponent starting area in the first turn ??? How big was the table !! Conquets games should be played on a very large table ! Last time I played it was on a 5x5 table. I'll admit that that wasnt the best opponent's BOL killed half of my army before I even get near him....and he wasnt moving his other pieces...just to force me get all the way to his side.
That's the reason that we are curently thinking about forbiding Book of lighntnig, necro bonestaff, k-bow, storm maul and spirit armor, in other word....all relic that remove competitive gameplay.