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What would be the most popuar and continually dominating 300-point army using all tournament legal pieces (made of up Minions through Dark Riders only)?
I have been doing fairly well with various orc based armies... I havent lost in a while with those. Of course, what is good for you is based largely on your playstyle, if you like sitting on the edge of battle and not engaging than I wouldnt recamend orcs, they need to get into the fray to be useful.
yeah. There is no single army that can consistanty win. It depends on your playing style and skill. Dozens of people could give you an army that they use to crush all oppisistion, and another person would lose embarresingly with it. It all depends on a matter of preference and skill.
12 *Zombie Centaurs and a *Orc Maruader wins every time.
Hehehe, ok, not everytime, but it is a neat idea. Wait a couple of weeks, say until mid-June and ask the question again, give people time to find all the kinks in the rules to exploit.