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my venue is hosting a 500 pt single faction tournament. I decided to go with a faction almost noone in their right mind would pick(sorry to all the atlantis players out there). I'd like some help making this battle ready.
General Volkare
Anunub w/ BoL
Sniper w/ Karrudan's Bow(may take out to add more infantry)
Ironwolf riding Mountain Warbird w/ pain and magestone bracers
500pts even
I plan on using wylden forest and clear skies as my domains.
terrain will be all hindering since the warbird has pathfinder might as well use it!
the basic premis of this is to have anunub weaken any strong pieces on the opposing side and have ironwolf go in to finish the job.
any suggestions are welcome. thanks for your time.
I admire your courage in picking Atlantis. :) Actually, they have been my faction from the beginning.
This is similar to the core of my army used in a 1200 point game. The sniper ran amuck causing big figs to run like cowards while the BoL took continual shots at the opposition. It worked very well. I really like General Volkare, but unfortunately, you do not have the points to add a relic to him. I like your idea of using Wylden Forest. As you said it does not affect the warbird, and makes it harder for the enemy to reach Anunub. Your selection of clear skies is also wise. There may be a melee swarm army out there that would love to play a Storm Gale to hurt the BoL. One other option you may want to consider is Smoke and Fog. It reduces the opposition's range to 8, but does not affect the BoL. Pain is ok, but it is very expensive, and will not give the mount a 360 degree arc. However, Ironwolf will have some fun with that! You do lack significant infantry, so if a good close combat force got back to Anunub, that could hurt. Hopefully, the sniper with K-bow would be a good substitute for the lack of infantry; if it goes off, that could be better than a few more infantry figs. It would be nice if you could fit in a crystal protector to heal Anunub if he misses a strike.
Atlantis is a great faction and you chose some great pieces to use. But the lack of foot shoulders might hurt. also you lack ways to deal with invulnerability units that are also :mi: like Kossak and many others now that Magestone Armor is out. You might want to think about dropping Pain for Rage Hammer then dropping Volkare, *** Shocktrooper, and Magestone Bracers to get Bracer's of the Giant onto Ironwolf and then get 4 ** Empire Veterans. If you want extra ability you might want to drop sniper, Mountain Warbird (for EF stag) and K-bow for a * Magestone Golem to lead the emp vets and then a potion of vitality for Nub to help him heal up.
I played this army tonight and it went 3-0. I dropped sniper and the kbow for a ***golem mechanic and the giant's wrath (weilded by the general).
The first game was against a similar atlantean army. I didn't lose anything and wiped him out in under 20 mins. His bol lacked a leadership figure which hurt.
second round I faced 500pts of dracs. Drakor with the starshield and magestone bracers, chroma with galeshi sunsword and potion of vitality. along with a feral whelp and skydragon+honorguard. The book wiped out the nons and then was discarded. I got a nice sweep attack in with ironwolf for 5 damage to both dracs cripling drakor. Chroma used her potion and returned to full in time to sweep my shocktrooper, mount, rider, and volkare who had surged in in an attempt to finish her off. Volkare, ironwolf, and the chocobo died soon after. It came down to one lucky roll to win the game. Chroma had chraged my healer and hit him, on the next turn I surged my now healed shocktrooper in an attempt to capture. Crit hit!!!!! His imperial legion subfaction took over from there and the game pretty much ended.
third round I faced the solos. Vextha w/ sunsword and cloak of vipers, and varatrix with souldrinker and something else. His only mistake was bringing the figures down to ground level. I finished off varatrix in one turn and spent the next twenty or so running around to stay out of vexthas arc(kinda hard once he got bound). he eventually came down to try and necro varatrix. That didnt work and by then I had surrounded him and finished him off.