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Spirit Armor is for hosers: a 300 point Chroma army!
Alright, I don't expect to see many spirit armor armies in my venue, so I'm just going to be packing a cold snap and roll the dice! Here's an army I'm playing around with:
Potion of Vitality-20
EF Sky Dragon-72
Being rid by: *Scalesworn Honorguard-34
It seems pretty tough to me. Chroma has a 20 defence and can only be shot by wand type figures, which would bump her defense up to a 22, even Vithzerai isn't a guranteed hit on that. Inferno makes Chroma practically impossible to take down, but when you put the potion on top of her, forget about it!
The Cavalry unit's packing then the nice MC/C combo for me as an EXCELLENT 8 clix of unreducible damage a turn for Chroma's backup.
Revenanter is there to make up for my overall lack of figures on the board, this way I have a chance at adding quite a bit to my army, all for only 27 points!
So, what do you think? What do I need to watch out for?(I'd like to mention right now that I can kill Varatrix quickly in one turn to boot).
I think it looks good, I have been thinking of fielding a similar army myself (I dont have any Honorgaurds though).
Just a side note, the spell resistance special ability lowers their attack by three, so they would need a 23 to hit you at range with a wand, not a 22.
Sweet, I always forget which raises defense and which lowers attack!
The thing about spirit armor is: I always win at my venue, pretty much always. Let's just say I haven't lost since 2.0 came out at my venue. I always play swarm and people who want to win know they're going to have to take me on. Spirit armor would be no good against me under normal circumstances because at best they're taking out a ***Ubkhan or the Possessed Draconum, not worth the points.
So I figure I have at least one shot at this without getting hosed by the spirit armor. And, like I said, in the unlikelyhood that I'll be facing it I can always go for the cold snap to save me from a quick suicide and hopefully the cavalry unit will be able to disable any type of mechanism to suicide otherwise.
What the hey, without spirit armor I can't think of anything amazing off the top of my head that could beat this army, ya know? BoL? Good luck:D K-bow? could be annoying but with the potion I can survive it for the most part.
Yeah, so besides the spirit armor, what else need I fear?
looks really good !
quick question1: inferno states that at the beginning of your command phase-deliver 1 pushing damage to anyone in base contact with you. - that means it can't be reduced by toughness/invuln/etc, right?
quick question 2: "The Cavalry unit's packing then the nice MC/C combo for me as an EXCELLENT 8 clix of unreducible damage a turn for Chroma's backup" - what exactly did you mean by that?
Wyvern: Question one: inferno does go through both toughness and invulnerability just as those two abilities don't stop a unit from taking damage when you push a figure, inferno's the same thing but without a token or giving the figure an action!
Question two: with MC/C I BELIEVE(unless I got it wrong) that I can charge, do 2+2 for impale, and then charge again for another 2+2 imaple. The Scalesworn has crushing blow so I don't have to worry about dodge, invul, or toughness. Hope I got all that right!
JG: That does sound annoying, do you know how much storm maul + leadership costs at a minimum? I do not and that would go a good distance in letting me know what's going on with that, but thanks for the heads-up either way!
Ok, I think the combo is 147 points, given the storm maul, zeph, and scytha. Is that right? If so why not just use BoL and leadership? I know storm maul is an automatic hit, but BoL isn't even affected by Spell Resistance(since it's a modifier, yes, 100% stupid, but I believe this is the current ruling!). It's simply another thing that sounds good in theory, but when you get right down to it is probably a bit too expensive for what it does.
Storm Maul hits any figure, even Varatrix or any other, yes it's pricey, but much more reliable than BoL, and can't be killed with Storm Gale, also...wait, I'm not here to make arguments for or against BoL, just trying to give you a heads up on something you might see that could be tough on your army?
Chance of playing against it are slim I guess anyway...well good luck with your amy, give us some nice battle reports afterwards!
JG: No problem at all, I was just wondering about the idea is all, not trying to get all argumentative on ya. :D
But yeah, anyway, I will make sure to post a battle report on it once I ever get to play it. I actually am anxiously awaiting my own copy of Inferno, combine that with the utter lack of constructed events this month and I may have to wait all the way until the first thursday in June to really test this out. :eek:
On the impale ability, the way we have been doing it at our venue is that you can only use impale when you start you turn in base contact with the target, which means no surging or charging and using impale. But I think you have a great army, unless you go up against spirit armor.
P.S. nice work on winning every tourney, does everyone else in your venue just suck or are you just that lucky.
Originally posted by Folds Wyvern: Question one: inferno does go through both toughness and invulnerability just as those two abilities don't stop a unit from taking damage when you push a figure, inferno's the same thing but without a token or giving the figure an action!
Question two: with MC/C I BELIEVE(unless I got it wrong) that I can charge, do 2+2 for impale, and then charge again for another 2+2 imaple. The Scalesworn has crushing blow so I don't have to worry about dodge, invul, or toughness. Hope I got all that right!
JG: That does sound annoying, do you know how much storm maul + leadership costs at a minimum? I do not and that would go a good distance in letting me know what's going on with that, but thanks for the heads-up either way!
MC/C would be 7 damage, 4 of which is unreducable. Unless your honorguard has charge. ;)
I like the army. Now I just need to get the figures. :p
Ok, see now that is what I was unsure about. I thought you could use either dial you wanted to complete both the mounter charge and charge attacks, so you're saying only the figure with charge can resolve the attack, correct?
zero: I'm 19 and a warlord, our play group has really been growing over the past couple of months, and we're up to 10 right now, however they're all pretty much in the 12-15 age range, luck has a part to play with it, dice will always be a part of the game, however I prefer to play with the minimum amount of luck needed and prefer to rely on ability to adapt. :cool: